How did we miss this? More from our pet troll!
The TheBoxingCannabyte wrote on August 24, 2013 at 5:46 am This, this is why you guys cannot, and should not be taken seriously. I know three black officers, two former SAS and one a Marine Recon that my dad got to know, two were in ‘Nam, the other served in…
IL Govenor Quinn’s early prison release program claims another life…
[caption id="attachment_8987" align="alignnone" width="620"] Scene of a homicide in Decatur, IL where a man was killed by one of Governor Quinn's early prison release convicts.[/caption] We've got a governor who has ordered prisoners released early from prison - even those with a history of violence and weapons offenses -…
Stoned polar bear hunter learns bears have claws
[caption id="attachment_8983" align="alignnone" width="614"] Marvell Weaver's going to have a scar to show the girls when he gets out of prison. In the meantime, he'll have have plenty of chances to show it off to his fellow prisoners.[/caption] An "urban youth" named Marvell Weaver in Lansing, Michigan chose poorly…
Troy Industries responds to criticism of their retention of Horiuchi’s partner… again.
[caption id="attachment_8976" align="alignnone" width="625"] Just some of the folks at Troy Industries who may be applying for unemployment insurance benefits soon as their owner continues to stand by a man who repeatedly and willfully supported the violation of due process and rule of law that resulted in the death of…
Should have been defensive gun uses… Anal rape, senseless beatings
[caption id="attachment_8960" align="alignnone" width="440"] 93 year old assault victim Amelia Rudolf talks with Anderson Police Chief Larry Crenshaw as her daughter Carol Fite holds her hand before the start of a news conference about formal charges being filed in her case. (Caption by Herald-Bulletin)[/caption] Folks, you don't have to…
SHAMEFUL: Black leaders exploit MLK “I have a dream” anniversary to pimp gun control
How ironic is it that fifty years after Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech, so-called black leaders are advocating infringing upon the rights of blacks. Black faith leaders urge Congress to toughen gun laws (Washington Post) - A coalition of African American faith leaders…
What are the odds? “Stoppage of the year”
Frank Sharpe of Fortress Defense sent this photo of a very unusual stoppage experienced by one of his students this past weekend. During last weekend's Level II Pistol Course, a student's 1911 grabbed hold of her cover garment during slide-cycle. She drew her back-up and continued with her primary…
Food, firearms and families: GSL presents a great family fun day for Cross Trail Outfitters.
[caption id="attachment_8934" align="alignnone" width="600"] One of the younger kids there tries her hand at firing a black powder rifle. She had never fired a gun before this day. She got to shoot a rifle, pistol, shotgun and a black powder rifle on her first day shooting! She was wearing a…
We got ourselves trolled: Left-wing liberal thinks we’re ignorant rednecks
The Boxing Cannabyte wrote at 5:33am on August 24th [Edited only to remove the f-word.] WHAT THE [bleep]?! How in the hell is this not blatant racial-targeting yourself? I’ve been going through this site. Let me say first that I’m a liberal gun owner (yeah, I get a LOT…
UP IN SMOKE: Troy Industries… By JBTs for JBTs
Troy Industries "battle mags" spontaneously combusted today. Brand new suckers, too. It was suggested we try them out with Tannerite next.