COMMUNIST: The ‘People’s Mayor’ moves to shut down shot spotter, downgrade Chicago Fire ambulances to Basic Life Support
A (likely illegal) "political" ad in today's Sun-Times lauding Murder City USA's Mayor Brandon Johnson calls him the "People's Mayor." Sounds like something one might see from the People's Republic of China. Or North Korea. Yep. He's done all sort of great things to assist in Chicago's descent into a…
THE CONSPICUOUS VS. THE GRAY MAN: Two pro-gun candidates in Central Illinois primary
At Guns Save Life, we can't endorse candidates because of our tax status. We do, however, educate the people on candidates’ positions. In the 88th Illinois House Republican primary, gun owners have a choice between two pro-gun Republicans. In fact, voters face a choice of two solidly pro-gun candidates who…
BREAKING: Guns Save Life, others petition SCOTUS for certiorari reference our gun ban challenge…
We're back in front of the US Supreme Court. The four consolidated cases in the Southern District of Illinois have partnered up to skip the whole dog and pony show and filed for a writ of certiorari to the US Supreme Court, citing the horrible Seventh Circuit decision on the…
IT TOOK GUTS: Tio Hardiman supports SROs in schools, discusses the ‘Prestige of Violence’ in Chicago’s ghettos
School resource officers save lives. Amazingly, one of Chicago's long-time "anti-violence" activists is actually coming out in support of SROs in Chicago's Public Schools. That takes guts, folks. Because the radicals running CPS and the City of Murder very much want to defund the police and get them out of…
GSL MAKES THE BIG LEAGUES: Google search engine omits Guns Save Life entries while Yahoo comes through just fine
At Guns Save Life, we have criticized big tech for throttling our message for years. We left Facebook at the end of December 2020. We ditched Twitter a couple of years before that because of their censorship. Before Facebook implemented its censorship AI algorithms, we could count on our posts…
REMEMBER THIS? Shannon Watts goes from blaming the NRA to racism is defensive shooting in Texas
Shannon Watts the "stay at home mom" (LOL) did her best to earn her Sugar Daddy Bloomberg bucks... He paid her well for her services... enough for her to buy a really nice pad in Colorado that she and her husband likely would never have been able to afford without…
Thoughts on Bianchi v. Frosh gun ban case out of Maryland…
The gun rights community has grown blessed with gun cases in state and federal court across America. Even as someone who works in this world effectively full-time, I have a hard time keeping up with them. One case in Maryland known as Bianchi definitely merits attention. What makes this case special…
COMING TUESDAY: Central Illinois primary race… a choice between pro-gun candidates
At Guns Save Life, we can't make candidate or political party endorsements because of our tax status. We can however educate the electorate on candidate positions. In the 88th Illinois House Republican primary, Illinois gun owners have a choice between two pro-gun Republicans right at the center of the state…
Joe Biden: ‘I’m the most qualified person in this country to be the president of the United States.’
Are the Dems getting ready to jettison Joe Biden? Let's hope so. Because if there's anyone even less likeable at the White House it would the Commie Harris. Let's go Brandon! "[The] American people have been watching and they have expressed concerns about your age..." BIDEN (confused and angry): "That…
GREAT GUNS 2024: Win this M1A Scout Squad
Guns Save Life announces our "Great Guns 2024" drawing. Yes, Virginia, we'll be giving away a Springfield Armory M1A Scout Squad on the second Thursday in June at the Charleston GSL meeting. This firearm is (obviously) Illinois legal. It's basically a carbine-length M1A with a muzzle brake instead of a…