PLAINTIFFS WANTED… Chicago’s now illegal gun control ordinance

[caption id="attachment_8677" align="alignnone" width="512"] Todd Vandermyde, the NRA's man in Springfield.[/caption] The Chicago City Council rushed through modifications of their "gun control" ordinance.  Among the changes, is a "student safety zones" penalty enhancement for possessing a gun while in one of these zones and the other deals with so-called "evil"…

KUBICEK: al qaeda decimated?

  If al qaeda is on the run because they've been decimated, then why is America closing a slew of embassies in the world and pulling back?  It looks more as though America is on the run under Barack Obama's administration.  His "smart" diplomacy has been nothing but an unmitigated…

Are we witnessing the end of the Rule of Law?

Cops today are trained in interrogation techniques that often involve being deceptive with suspects. We've even seen cases where cops are less than deceptive in securing warrants. Put a little less diplomatically, investigators are trained to lie in an effort to secure confessions from those suspected of criminal wrong-doing. Now…

The Judicious Use of Deadly Force

The Judicious Use of Deadly Force by John Boch, with Steve Davis, Esq. and Frank Wright, FBI Special Agent, retired (Reprinted from the July 2013 issue of GunNews Magazine) (Guns Save Life) - To use deadly force in self-defense carries with it a host of downsides and should be avoided…