PLAINTIFFS WANTED… Chicago’s now illegal gun control ordinance
[caption id="attachment_8677" align="alignnone" width="512"] Todd Vandermyde, the NRA's man in Springfield.[/caption] The Chicago City Council rushed through modifications of their "gun control" ordinance. Among the changes, is a "student safety zones" penalty enhancement for possessing a gun while in one of these zones and the other deals with so-called "evil"…
Hoping for the best is no plan: Arkansas school meets resistance to arming select teachers
"We lock the door, and we hide and hope for the best... Well, that's not a plan." Amen to that, brother. (Daily Caller) - An attorney for the state of Arkansas advised a school district against implementing a plan to arm its teachers with guns — drawing the…
KUBICEK: al qaeda decimated?
If al qaeda is on the run because they've been decimated, then why is America closing a slew of embassies in the world and pulling back? It looks more as though America is on the run under Barack Obama's administration. His "smart" diplomacy has been nothing but an unmitigated…
Declining mainstream media: WaPo sells for 12.5% of its value a decade ago
You probably heard about anti-gun's Jeff Bezos buying the anti-gun Washington Post for $250M yesterday. What you probably didn't hear from the mainstream media is that's 12.5% of the Post's value 10 years ago - a direct result of their leftward bias that's not wanted or welcome by the…
Armed Citizen Project to train and arm 500 mothers to use guns during Saturday’s “National Empowerment Day”
It's a small step, but a meaningful *first* step, in arming 500 single moms and other women across the nation on this coming Saturday, August 10th for the Armed Citizens Project "National Empowerment Day". Guns Save Life has sponsored two of these women at $200 each. We're hoping to identify…
OWENS: If you had a son, would he look like Shaaliver Douse, Mr. President?
If you had a son, would he look like Shaaliver Douse, Mr. President? by Bob Owens Shaaliver Douse was a predator and died as one, bleeding out from a well-earned bullet to the jaw that ripped open his jugular. Douse was shot by a cop as Douse was attempting to…
Are we witnessing the end of the Rule of Law?
Cops today are trained in interrogation techniques that often involve being deceptive with suspects. We've even seen cases where cops are less than deceptive in securing warrants. Put a little less diplomatically, investigators are trained to lie in an effort to secure confessions from those suspected of criminal wrong-doing. Now…
Hope after all to put an end to State Police slow-walking carry implementation
There's hope after all to counter the Illinois State Police slow-walking implementation of Illinois' new carry law. It's been a month and all the Illinois State Police have done is announce that applications will be available for submission on January 4, 2014, and they will *begin* approval of certified firearms…
The Judicious Use of Deadly Force
The Judicious Use of Deadly Force by John Boch, with Steve Davis, Esq. and Frank Wright, FBI Special Agent, retired (Reprinted from the July 2013 issue of GunNews Magazine) (Guns Save Life) - To use deadly force in self-defense carries with it a host of downsides and should be avoided…
FMK 9mm: Inconsistent. Don’t trust your life on this gun.
We considered titling this entry "Junk Gun", but that wouldn't have been fair. One out of two specimens of the FMK Model 9C1 pistols we saw in our June NRA Personal Protection in the Home course seemed to work as it should. The other? Jam-o-matic piece of junk. It…