Trayvon supporters: Why we should support “Duty to Retreat”
Something to share on your Facebook page. My favorite: Carjackings are nothing more than vehicular redistribution. Share your wealth. Once again, a reminder of what happens to young teens who attack people and try to bash their heads into a sidewalk... If we had more cases like this, perhaps…
Anti-Gun Activism for DUMMIES: Long on fears & emotions, short on facts
The Gun Violence "Messaging" Guide has been making the rounds. It's the anti-gunners guide to how to argue their case for stripping Americans of their rights and trying to recreate past tyrannies. It's here if you would care to download it. We'll hit the highlights here. Their "Overall Message…
Harry Reid to Mom’s Demand Action: Shup up and go make some chicken pot pies, ladies
Way to put those uppity women folk in their place, Harry. Pose for a picture with them then throw them under the bus! He points at them with his crooked finger and tells them to take their skirts back into the kitchen for another year. WASHINGTON (NY Daily…
SPLAT! Brady Campaign lawsuit against Armslist dismissed.
The Brady Campaign, seeing the great success of gun rights groups in rolling back anti-gun laws and regulations through litigation, decided to try their hand at it putting online firearms marketplaces like Armslist and GunBroker out of business through litigation. The Brady Campaign hacks, bought and paid for by the…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Deputize the tourists
[caption id="attachment_8615" align="alignnone" width="580"] Gary Martin, of Ontario, Canada, stands at the spot where he tackled a purse-snatcher on Michigan Avenue. (Phil Velasquez / Chicago Tribune / August 1, 2013)[/caption] It would seem that Chicago's sheeple are unable or unwilling to step up and get involved to put a stop…
It’s nice that Chicago’s mainstream media could catch up to
We're accustomed to be on the cutting edge - and reporting information that the mainstream media won't touch. We're not used to being this far ahead of the mainstream media... On July 11th we wrote: Chicago has very strict gun control. Criminals know that few of their law-abiding victim pool…
It’s hard to run like a track star when your pants fall down…
Happiness is a good video and a good chuckle! Carjacker trying to run while holding up his pants: Sweet. Carjacker trying to outrun a squadcar on foot: Funny. Carjacker trying to outrun a German Shepherd: Oh yeah. Carjacker trying to outrun a German Shepherd while holding up his pants…
Geco .38 Special: Not so hot stuff.
So, as GSL Defense Training has a lot of classes, we run across a few students who are unable to find ammo in time for classes. Reluctantly, we've started picking up ammunition for students to buy at our cost so they may successfully complete our classes. A while back…
Loda, IL: FREE shooting event for youth Sun., August 4th
Pheasants Forever's Young Guns group out of Ford County IL, a group that Guns Save Life is proud to sponsor, is holding a Trap/Skeet shoot at Loda Sportsmens Club this Sunday from noon 'til 4:00pm. Come one, come all. Guns will be available, along with lots and lots of…
DOUBLE DOWN ON STUPID: Chicago gang summit proposed.
From the file of "Oh, that'll work! NOT!": Chicago (Sun-Times*) - Hundreds of gang members will be invited to a summit in Chicago in an attempt to broker peace in the bloodiest neighborhoods — 20 years after “gang summits” here and in other states drew national attention, organizers said Wednesday.…