Chicagoland rush to ban guns…
It's a mess up in Chicagoland. Some of the suburbs have considered gun bans. A couple of ignored overwhelming opposition of those turned out and gone ahead an passed sweeping gun bans - bans not likely to stand up to an court challenge. They haven't learned from the City of…
ACTION ALERT: Urgent for suburban Chicagoland gun owners
From NRA-ILA moments ago... Illinois Update: Multiple Localities Attempting to Enact Semi-Auto Bans before July 19th Deadline Since enactment of the state concealed carry legislation, House Bill 183, Illinois localities have been attempting to pass so-called “assault weapon” bans. House Bill 183 contains comprehensive preemption of handgun-related local ordinances for…
Wife beatin’ (Tio Hardiman-style) man kicks in front door of home 11 minutes after release from jail, meets Jesus
You might remember our coverage (1 2 3) of Tio Hardiman's arrest for beating the snot out of his wife. Hardiman, of course, *was* the director of CeaseFire, the yahoos that swindled the City of Chicago out of a million dollars to "prevent" homicides by hiring gang bangers (reformed, allegedly)…
GSL Supports this Gun Buyback!
"We’ve combined Joe Biden’s love of shotguns with Obama’s love of redistribution." You gotta love these guys. Donate your unwanted, unloved guns to be sold to raise money for pump shotguns for home defense for homeowners living in high-crime neighborhoods. Armed Citizen Project sponsors gun buyback to arm…
Entertainment: Russian dash-cam videos
You'll like this. Sit back with your favorite drink, set the video to high def (720) and enjoy the show. Our only comment is: It sure seems like Russian drivers leave a lot to be desired. And some pedestrians aren't so bright either.
Chicago’s top cop: Illinois residents are stupid
Chicago's top cop, the guy who shot out streetlights in a drunken rage while screaming racial epithets of local residents in NJ, says Illinois residents are too stupid to learn the fundamentals of carrying a gun with 16-hours of training. In an interview with Fox 32, he said: "...Seriously.…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: All wilding charges dropped by Cook Co. SA’s office
And the City of Chicago wonders why there are wilding attacks almost every weekend - like a couple of weeks ago at the fireworks display on the lakefront. Down in Champaign County, we suffered a rash of "Polar Bear" attacks where black youths would pick on a random white…
Almost all gun bans fail Monday evening.
Looks as though Sheila Simon's supporters sucked wind last night. Thanks, in large part to gun owners showing up at these meetings to make their voices heard. One thing that should be at the forefront of these politicians is the expensive lawsuits that gun owners are going to bring against…
NUGENT: Zimmerman verdict vindicates citizen patrols, self-defense
This is *really* good. by Ted Nugent (Rare) - So this guy’s neighborhood has been burglarized off and on and the residents are very concerned for their safety and well-being. Neighbors agree to upkick their vigilance and overall level of awareness to watch out for each other and…
He didn’t use a gun, but he’s still a hero
[caption id="attachment_8382" align="alignnone" width="635"] Temar Boggs, 15, was one of the teenagers in Lancaster Township, Pa., who helped save Jocelyn Rojas after she was kidnapped in front of her grandmother's house. Caption and photo from NY Daily News.[/caption] This young man has more bravery and courage than most adults.…