BOCH: A Jury of Your Peers
by John Boch (Guns Save If any doubt exists, hold your gun silent. Act to the standard to which you will be judged. Those are the words we teach each and every student in our firearms training classes when it comes to the use of deadly force to protect…
URGENT ACTION REQUIRED: Will your city try to ban your guns?
From our friends at the ISRA: URGENT ALERT – Will your town try to ban your rifle this week? Attend one of these meetings! Monday Night Meetings to Ban Guns: Evanston Lake Zurich Morton Grove* Darien Clarendon Hills Thornton Waukegan Gurnee Flossmoor River Forest Lake Forest Steger Buffalo Grove…
Kentucky Gun Company raises $62K+ for fallen officer’s wife with rifle raffle
A month or so ago, we brought you news of a raffle to benefit the wife and kids of a fallen small-town police officer from Bardstown, KY. Never being one to ask our members to do anything we aren't willing to do ourselves, we sent $50 for tickets and…
Reasoned discourse?
This is what passes for reasoned discourse over at the lightly-trafficked National Gun Victims Action Council. This "week" they profiled Brandon Phelps. Why? Because it was his name at the top of the bill that felled Illinois as the last beach-head of gun control in the nation when it…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: ‘Anywhere you think you’re safe, you’re really not’
Chicago has very strict gun control. Criminals know that few of their law-abiding victim pool have the means with which to fight back. That makes them brazen. The pervasive violence in Chicago should cause every reasonable and prudent person to give pause in whether they would continue living there. Certainly…
FLASH: New Shepard litigation seeks to implement carry *immediately*
[caption id="attachment_8336" align="alignnone" width="435"] Imagine that... Mary Shepard doesn't want to wait another nine months to defend herself from another beating like this one she sustained in her church.[/caption] Motion for injunction to allow Mary Shepard and members of the ISRA to carry in a manner consistent with the recently…
Why *you* should consider carrying a safety rescue tool
Many people "feel" safe in their community, but making decisions based upon feelings and emotions instead of cold, hard facts can have horrific consequences. Brunswick, Georgia (CNN) -- Two teen boys in this coastal city were charged with murder Friday, accused in the fatal shooting of a 13-month-old boy…
Chicago police chief quietly announces changes in gun enforcement in Chicago
Poor Garry McCarthy. The police chief who said he would train his officers to shoot licensed civilians with guns six months ago. Talk is cheap. Today, he's telling his officers not to arrest licensed civilians with guns and not to enforce Chicago City ordinances. D. Members will not…
Zimmerman verdict to come soon. Be vigilant.
The Zimmerman trial verdict may come as soon as later this week or early next week. Be extra vigilant and use an abundance of caution when the verdict is handed down, especially if it happens Friday afternoon. Frankly, we don't expect any rioting or race-related attacks (aside from what…
HB-183 BECOMES LAW! The irrelevant governor proven to be impotent too.
I would have written "congratulations", but frankly it's not a good bill by a long shot. Illinois does have right to carry effective immediately. Guess it's time to de-gun as I was enjoying the "unregulated carry" cliff. As for the petulant man-child governor... he huffed and he puffed and he…