SMACKDOWN ON QUINN: House votes to over-ride.

The "showdown" the Irrelevant Governor claimed would happen on right-to-carry didn't happen, in part because Quinn refused to show up. No discussion. Just called the question. 77-31 to over-ride. 71 votes were required. Senate didn't even meet this morning to consider Quinn's proposal.  Currently caucusing to decide what to do.

Kahr bails on New York State

Firearm manufacturing companies are saying "goodbye" to slave states that deny their residents the ability to own certain types of firearms popular and effective for self-defense.  These laws also often prohibit manufacturing in addition to sales of said guns. So companies are taking their manufacturing and tax monies and moving…

Ruger Firearms transitioning out of Connecticut

  ... with the purchase of a new 222,000 square foot plant in North Carolina. July 08, 2013 (Ruger Company Press Release) - Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. (NYSE: RGR) announced today that it plans to open its third manufacturing plant, a 220,000 square foot facility in Mayodan, North Carolina.…

Heating up in Springfield…

Things are heating up in Springfield this morning. Ah, the land of freedom.  It's almost like Kentucky or Indiana as I did my morning errands with my safety rescue tool under my shirt with ZERO fear of arrest or prosecution from an overzealous member of the criminal justice system. Talk…

ACTION REQUIRED! Bloomberg’s last stand in Illinois

  From the Illinois State Rifle Association...   URGENT ALERT – BLOOMBERG’S LAST STAND IS HAPPENING THIS WEEKUPDATED LIST OF LOCALITIES VOTING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS As you know, Bloomberg has teamed up with Emanuel and Quinn to impose gun ban and confiscation schemes across Illinois. But, time is running…