Governor announces his pending amendatory veto

  Illinois Governor Pat Quinn announced the framework of his coming amendatory veto of the right-to-carry compromise on Sunday in an interview which aired on Fox Chicago. Instead of displaying leadership on the issue of right-to-carry in Illinois after the December 2012 Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Illinois' prohibition…

IL Concealed Carry Course FRAUDS

John Krupa of Spartan Tactical Training Group sent this to me yesterday. I secured permission from him to reprint it.  He's spot on.   IL CCW frauds - This E-mail was forwarded to me today and has raised concerns that "instructors" are advertising IL CCW classes when in fact the…

A WIN! Charges Dismissed for Jared Marcum

Jared Marcum, the 14-year-old from Logan County, West Virginia, was arrested nearly two and a half months ago on charges related to his refusal to turn an NRA T-shirt inside out at school. The first amendment case ran into stubborn school officials who involved the the local "resource" police officer…