AG Madigan: Gov will re-write bill with an amendatory veto

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="605"] Does anyone have a baby wipe?[/caption]     The conventional wisdom is that Governor "Clueless" Quinn will try to re-write the historic Illinois carry bill in a big ceremony in Chicago, complete with lots of families of so-called "victims".  Some of those victims might not have…

White House Report: Guns Save Lives!

White House report finds gun ownership actually saves lives! You'll have to read it quickly before Barack Obama gets back from his African vacation and purges this report!   (SHTF --  Though statistics prove time and again that disarming a free people leads to more violent crime and the…

GunNews is up!

The July 2013 issue of GunNews is available for download. Don't miss this special issue with a special section courtesy of LIVE FREE USA. Click here to download it.

A Citizen’s Guide to Family Emergency Preparedness

by Jim Jones LIVE FREE USA   Why be prepared? Anyone who can read a newspaper or watch the news on television should already know the answer to that question. We see the effects of local emergencies such as criminal assaults, fires, floods, and accidents routinely.  Storms, blackouts, terrorist attacks…

The brutality of a home invasion (graphic)

Don't click on this video if you're not ready to see a graphic home video of a home invasion in New Jersey. Bad guy kicks in the door and pummels the female homeowner viciously and repeatedly. It's captured on a baby monitor camera. Is your family prepared to defend against…

MAIG says gun owners ‘know their place’

I can't wait for these folks come to Illinois. The Mayors Against Illegal Guns people suggest that gun owners "know their place". Do you know your place? Would it be on your knees, looking up, saying, "Yassir, Massah!  We knows our place, Massah!" to the MAIG speakers? It won't be…