The “compromise”: We’re NEUTRAL.

  Guns Save Life is neutral on the latest incarnation of the Illinois Concealed Carry bill which can be found here. We cannot, and will not endorse a bill which leaves local ordinances regarding magazine bans intact, leaving those who carry the most common personal defense handguns in America today…

George Zimmerman case: Prosecutorial misconduct continues…

The politically-motivated prosecution of George Zimmerman continues, as further evidence of prosecutorial misconduct continues to mount. Any reasonable and prudent person would have thrown this case out long ago. Involve politics and race hustlers, and suddenly people are afraid to do the right thing and instead engage in misconduct to…

Compromised Reached. UPDATE: HERE IT IS!

Thursday night update: A compromise supposedly has been reached, according to Kwame Raoul in an AP news story. (AP) - Raoul told The Associated Press that lawmakers are "still tightening up details" but the package has reached common ground on key issues. Those compromises include preserving local gun ordinances and…

FALSE FLAG: Ricin-laced letters sent to Bloomberg

  Mayor Bloomberg was the recipient of a ricin-laced letter in recent days, as was the director of his leftist, anti-gun rights group Mayors Against Guns. Letters Threatening Mayor Tested Positive for Ricin (New York Times) - Two letters that contained threats to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg — one addressed…

They’re closing in on a deal…

State Journal-Register reports that they're close... Something tells me it's going to be a shameful compromise, knowing that Kwame Raoul seems to think he's in the driver's seat...  and he may be. A concealed-carry compromise between the Illinois House and Senate is closing in with just days left in the…