ACTION REQUIRED: Support Jared Marcum

You remember this kid, right? He was arrested for refusing to remove or turn inside out his NRA shirt by a teacher and a cop. He was suspended but the suspension was quickly dropped when school administrators realized the civil liability they were incurring. Well, local prosecutors don't seem to…

BRAVO! Yankee gunner upsets Bloomberg’s minions

  So, Yankee Gunner wears his "Guns Save Lives" t-shirt to go visit the Bloomberg bus (which they've been kind of circumspect about publicizing its scheduled stops). He open carries (something I wasn't aware one could do in anti-gun Connecticut), along with a friend, and freaks the Bloomberg bus people…

Home-rule Shenanigans to ban America’s favorite rifle

Our friends at Illinois Carry have compiled a list of towns considering local bans on America's favorite rifle, the AR-15 and similar guns under Illinois' home-rule provisions. Banning America's favorite rifle is as un-American as banning America's favorite pastime, baseball. It's time that we, as gun owners, act.   These…