IL Legislative Update: CALL and Stalemate.

  Call your Illinois State Senator and let them know you want them to support "shall issue" carry, with state-wide pre-emption and to OPPOSE Kwame's "may issue" bill. This bill will come up early in the day today. ALSO, TELL THEM NO ON THE MAG BAN bill also due up…


  #NOTALKING It's the hash-tag for the twitter group celebrating the "no snitch" rule. Remember the 6 month old little girl shot and killed in Chicago back in March?  She was a cute little baby. [caption id="attachment_7711" align="alignnone" width="461"] Jonylah Watkins, 6 months, was shot along with her father Monday,…

CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: 17 shot, 6 dead so far

  The horrendous body count in Illinois strictest gun control city continues to mount this holiday weekend. Six dead.  Seventeen shot.  [LOL.  Sorry for the "sex dead" typo.] Probably more dead and wounded since this story was published. CHICAGO (WLS) -- At least 17 people have been shot over the…

Remember the fallen.

[caption id="attachment_7691" align="alignnone" width="684"] A young woman lays down on the grave of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Noah Pier on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery May 31, 2010 in Arlington, Virginia. Pier was killed Feburary 12, 2010 in Marja, Afghanistan. His obituary read, “Noah was such a happy…

ICHV wetting their pants over SB2193

  The leftist victim disarmament proponents are positively hysterical in their reaction to the SB2193 in the Illinois House. You might say they are dead set on opposition to SB2193. We have no doubt that they wet their pants when they saw that it passed with 85 votes! Their opposition…