VOTING WITH THEIR FEET: PTR says “buh bye!” to Connecticut
PTR industries formally announced today they are bailing on Connecticut. [caption id="attachment_7981" align="alignnone" width="630"] PTR's VP looks over mail urging them to bail on Connecticut. Well, they now have made it official.[/caption] And taking their tax dollars and the money they spend into the local economy with them. Stick that…
UPDATE: And then there were EIGHT: Illinois counties okay with FOID-holders with concealed guns
Madison County was the first county-level prosecutor to announce he wouldn't prosecute. And then came Randolph County. Here are a few more... starting with Tazewell County (and it seems Woodford isn't far away)… Tazewell County State’s Attorney Stewart Umholtz issued a formal statement stating such about noon Friday, saying that…
Mayors Against Guns laments loss of… Tamerlan Tsarnaev the islamist Boston bomber
[caption id="attachment_7977" align="alignnone" width="500"] The welfare bomber himself...[/caption] Mayors Against Illegal Guns has a bus tour going on right now. Part of the dog and pony show is to read off a list of people who died from being shot. Among the criminals, gang-bangers, hoodlums, scumbags and…
Champaign won’t join six other counties in allowing carry
That's okay, Julia. I'll be carrying July 10th, absent another extension of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals stay in the Moore case. Champaign (News Gazette) - Even though some Illinois officials say they won't prosecute concealed carry, you shouldn't expect the same opinion in Champaign County. Officials from six…
Obama moonbats one up MoveOn types: *THREE* turn out for anti-gun rally in San Bernardino, CA
We thought the turnout of four people at Rockford, IL's "big gun control rally" was embarrassing. Hah! The Organizing for America group - Barack Obama's supposedly powerful grassroots group (perhaps they are only powerful when going to the polls to vote themselves more benefits at the public trough?), turned out…
Crazy Lisa is crazy like a fox: Madigan gets another delay for certioari
Lisa Madigan has gotten herself a second 30-day extension to decide whether or not to appeal the Miller decision to the Supreme Court. It positions her for a win-win, regardless of what our clueless governor does. His deadline to unregulated carry is July 9th. The closer we get to that…
ACTION REQUIRED: Support Jared Marcum
You remember this kid, right? He was arrested for refusing to remove or turn inside out his NRA shirt by a teacher and a cop. He was suspended but the suspension was quickly dropped when school administrators realized the civil liability they were incurring. Well, local prosecutors don't seem to…
BRAVO! Yankee gunner upsets Bloomberg’s minions
So, Yankee Gunner wears his "Guns Save Lives" t-shirt to go visit the Bloomberg bus (which they've been kind of circumspect about publicizing its scheduled stops). He open carries (something I wasn't aware one could do in anti-gun Connecticut), along with a friend, and freaks the Bloomberg bus people…
Home-rule Shenanigans to ban America’s favorite rifle
Our friends at Illinois Carry have compiled a list of towns considering local bans on America's favorite rifle, the AR-15 and similar guns under Illinois' home-rule provisions. Banning America's favorite rifle is as un-American as banning America's favorite pastime, baseball. It's time that we, as gun owners, act. These…
Illinois’ new carry bill: What you should know and FAQs
While the governor hasn’t signed or vetoed HB-183, the carry bill overwhelmingly approved by both the Illinois House and Senate, it is virtually certain that sooner or later this bill will be the law of the land in Illinois. Here are some of the specifics of the bill…