CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Bloodbath in Chicago
Happy Father's Day weekend from Chicago, the home of Illinois' strictest gun control. How's that gun control working out for you, Rahm? Maybe you should get your Chief Streetlight Assassin in your office for a dressing down? We can't have all of your voters killing one another! 7…
News shorts: Reality check for gun control advocates, funeral burglaries, and more…
This isn't the first time burglars have used obits to target homes for victimization. It just seems like it's happening more often (or it happened to someone in the Today show's staff's sphere of influence). (Today Show) - A new warning from police about a trend so despicable, even…
Military support of al-qaeda in Syria: Why?
Why are we supporting Syrian rebels who have sworn allegiance to al-qaeda? These are the same people who have butchered Christians for being Christians. These savages execute teenagers for "insulting" islam. And we're supporting them. Why? And what are the Russians going to think about us meddling in the…
Randolph County joins Madison in getting carry NOW
Last week, Madison County's State's Attorney announced he would not prosecute FOID cardholders carrying concealed firearms. This week, Randolph County's SA made a similar announcement. Who is next? Chester, IL (Rudolph County Herald Tribune) — In a prepared statement today, Randolph County State's Attorney Jeremy Walker announced effective immediately,…
Breathing together: A new technique by the anti-gun folks to reduce violent crime
A new low (or high?) for the anti-gun movement. How to solve a crime problem? "Breathe together." We kid you not. It's so kind of her to invite all of us. It should be a good time. From: "" <> Dear Partner(s) In Peace! Greetings from Nicole Anderson Cobb, PhD,…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Dozens shot is “Real progress”?
So Monday, Chicago's police chief Garry McCarthy, affectionately know to his men as McSh*tforbrains, touted the drop in crime this year in Chicago. Chicago (Sun-Times) - There was a 13 percent dip in overall crime and 3,000 fewer illegal weapons on the streets of Chicago this year, announced Police Superintendent…
Lipservice FAIL: “Leaders” call for gang-bangers to stop violence; the violence continues…
Lipservice: insincere expression of friendship, admiration, support, etc.; service by words only: He paid only lip service to the dictator. Champaign, IL has been hit with a rash of shootings this past weekend. Local gun grabbers urged "concerned" citizens to show up for a showy press conference to demand gang…
Gun control’s 90%: Four turn out for gun control rally
In recent days, the far left has been telling us how the NRA's influence has run its course and a new gun control "movement" has arrived. A movement supported by 90% of Americans. Or so the narrative promoted from the regime in the White House today and repeated in the…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Mayhem continues, even in “safe” areas…
The mayhem continues in Chicago, Illinois' gun control capital, as dozens have fallen victim to the seemingly random and senseless violence. Chicago's strict gun control does nothing but embolden the criminals, as evidenced by the less than tranquil nature of the city. How bad is it? You can't even…
Madison County Prosecutor: We won’t prosecute carry by FOID cardholders
[caption id="attachment_7876" align="alignnone" width="500"] Gibbons.[/caption] Wow. Check this out. An Illinois prosecutor willing to publicly say "I won't prosecute" a law-abiding person carrying a concealed firearm for self-defense. There are a number of prosecutors in central and southern Illinois who feel the same way, but most won't publicize it.…