Colorado on cusp of banning most shotguns, too.

Colorado is set to ban most shotguns if Gov. Hickenlooper signs the bill passed by the Colorado legislature to ban so-called "high capacity" magazines. The bill outlaws magazines that can hold more then eight shotgun shells or can be readily converted to accept more than eight rounds, in addition to…

Despised by the despicable in the Congressional Record

The Congressional Record is forever. And our friend Roy Kubicek now has his name immortalized in the Congressional Record, thanks to the hired-gun Josh Attention-Horwitz of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.  "Despised by the Despicable," as Kurt Hoffman at the Armed and Safe Blog says. Josh Attention-Horwitz quotes Mr.…

St. Baldrick’s coming quickly…

  We know we have our fair share of Chicago-area LEOs reading each day and we're certainly a fan of Second City Cop. St. Baldrick's is coming up very soon and one of our GSL members has been a regular participant for years and we're encouraging more of our…

Advertising available at

Starting Mar 1st, we're going to change the advertising structure on our website. The block of ads in the upper right of each page will remain there and be expanded to eight to ten slots.  Advertisers can buy 1, 2, or even numbered multiple slots at $25 per slot per…

HATE MAIL: Dan Hull waves the white flag

  Dan Hull sent us a raving bit of hate mail earlier in the week. We posted it here, along with some commentary.  The comments have been priceless. Here's Dan's missive: In your newsletter it states the American Revolution started because guns were taken away. Absolutely made up like all…