FALSE FLAG: Ricin-laced letters sent to Bloomberg
Mayor Bloomberg was the recipient of a ricin-laced letter in recent days, as was the director of his leftist, anti-gun rights group Mayors Against Guns. Letters Threatening Mayor Tested Positive for Ricin (New York Times) - Two letters that contained threats to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg — one addressed…
They’re closing in on a deal…
State Journal-Register reports that they're close... Something tells me it's going to be a shameful compromise, knowing that Kwame Raoul seems to think he's in the driver's seat... and he may be. A concealed-carry compromise between the Illinois House and Senate is closing in with just days left in the…
IL Legislative Update: CALL and Stalemate.
Call your Illinois State Senator and let them know you want them to support "shall issue" carry, with state-wide pre-emption and to OPPOSE Kwame's "may issue" bill. This bill will come up early in the day today. ALSO, TELL THEM NO ON THE MAG BAN bill also due up…
Brave new world: 30-time loser, with eight felonies explains why you shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun
[caption id="attachment_7733" align="alignnone" width="500"] The leftist gun grabbers' new role model? Felons and jailbirds, apparently.[/caption] Leftist civil rights opponents are touting a recent article (Daily Leftist Beast / NY 'Jayson Blair' Times) written by Matthew Parker, a man who has been arrested thirty times, caught eight felonies and spent eleven…
Unbelievable: Hack attorney claims store clerk shouldn’t have defended his life with gun
Simply unbelievable. This attorney must have hailed from one of the most liberal law schools on the east coast. The attorney, a former prosecutor, claims the store clerk who faced the armed robbers should have ran from the store or called police instead of using a gun to defend his…
#NOTALKING It's the hash-tag for the twitter group celebrating the "no snitch" rule. Remember the 6 month old little girl shot and killed in Chicago back in March? She was a cute little baby. [caption id="attachment_7711" align="alignnone" width="461"] Jonylah Watkins, 6 months, was shot along with her father Monday,…
IL LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Coming down to the wire… UPDATED
by John Boch With four days to go in this year's spring session in the Illinois General Assembly, lawmakers are under intense pressure to pass a carry bill ahead of the June 9th date when Illinois' prohibition on carrying guns outside the home becomes unconstitutional. Speaker Madigan's carry bill, introduced…
Brits overwhelmingly want repeal of handgun ban
Well, well. It seems Her Royal Highness' subjects are very keen on repealing their nation's ban on handgun ownership, which came about as a knee-jerk reaction to a mass attack by an evil man. Since the ban and confiscation of handguns in 1997, Britain has seen a steadily…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: 17 shot, 6 dead so far
The horrendous body count in Illinois strictest gun control city continues to mount this holiday weekend. Six dead. Seventeen shot. [LOL. Sorry for the "sex dead" typo.] Probably more dead and wounded since this story was published. CHICAGO (WLS) -- At least 17 people have been shot over the…
Remember the fallen.
[caption id="attachment_7691" align="alignnone" width="684"] A young woman lays down on the grave of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Noah Pier on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery May 31, 2010 in Arlington, Virginia. Pier was killed Feburary 12, 2010 in Marja, Afghanistan. His obituary read, “Noah was such a happy…