Remember the fallen.

[caption id="attachment_7691" align="alignnone" width="684"] A young woman lays down on the grave of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Noah Pier on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery May 31, 2010 in Arlington, Virginia. Pier was killed Feburary 12, 2010 in Marja, Afghanistan. His obituary read, “Noah was such a happy…

ICHV wetting their pants over SB2193

  The leftist victim disarmament proponents are positively hysterical in their reaction to the SB2193 in the Illinois House. You might say they are dead set on opposition to SB2193. We have no doubt that they wet their pants when they saw that it passed with 85 votes! Their opposition…

This is what happens in a gun ban utopia…

  Welcome to London. Where guns are banned. Knives are heavily restricted. And two muslim extremists set about decapitating an off-duty soldier in broad daylight on a public street. Initially, the details of the attackers were kept under wraps. Unfortunately for the politically correct UK government, everybody and their dog…

Enjoy Your Rights!

What to do, what to do? I've been good all week, going to work and calling politicians on my lunch break. What worthwhile thing can I do on a weekend?  [caption id="attachment_7645" align="alignnone" width="864"] An orange-hatted instructor gives pointers on the prone position at an Appleseed Rifle Marksmanship and Heritage…