Testimonial: Your calls work
In case you ever wondered if we're just blowing smoke when we ask you to call... State Senator Chapin Rose Representing the 51st District of Illinois May 17, 2013 The Illinois Senate adjourned without acting on Senator Kwame Raoul’s House Bill 183. As I wrote earlier today, we expected…
State Police FIRES company processing FOIDs, hires new provider under emergency contract
[caption id="attachment_7581" align="alignnone" width="748"] An old FOID card![/caption] Illinois FOID-card processing has been getting worse and worse since last November's election season and today, waiting times are three to six months for processing renewals or new cards. Well, relief may be on the way. In recent days, Illinois has terminated…
KUBICEK: Power corrupts…
Thought For The Day - Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely by Fred Kubicek Good Morning Everyone, The Justice Department is not tyranny - The Justice Department trampling on 1st Amendment rights is tyranny! The Internal Revenue Service is not tyranny - The Internal Revenue Service using it's power for…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Woman robbed of $200k in jewelry on Michigan Ave.
This happened literally in broad daylight at noontime in one of the supposedly "safest" areas of Chicago. Just another day in the land of strict gun control where only the bad guys carry guns. Woman robbed of $200K worth of jewelry on Mag Mile (WGN) - A…
Call your state senator, remind him (or her): One state, one law on carry
Their goal: To get these junk bills up for a floor vote on Friday. Contact your Senator. Tell him there's no compromise for Chicago on the carry bill. The message: One state. One law. Period. As for the magazine bill: Tell your elected official to leave your magazines alone. …
A Ben & Jerry’s flavor we might actually buy…
If it were only real... In the meantime, we don't buy B&J.
With “friends” like MegaSports, who needs Dan Kotowski?
[caption id="attachment_7562" align="alignnone" width="600"] A brother and sister who enlisted together in the USMC. Not the two in the story...[/caption] We found this story online at the One Million Moms Against Gun Control blog about the poor treatment of a couple of our nation's finest at MegaSports in Plainfield.…
Brave New World
Two rounds. Two rounds, that is, more than is legally allowed now in New York State. If this guy had seven rounds instead of nine in his magazine, that burned out license plate bulb wouldn't have burned him. Don't you just feel safer now? Here's the story, from the…
Lunatic hands everyone in Sandy Hook, CT a bill for $2,068
That's right. Every man, woman and child. $2068. Plus interest. That's the price of the new school they plan on building after razing the existing Sandy Hook grade school where a crazed, evil misfit killed a bunch of kids and then thankfully offed himself in December 2012. $57 million projected…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Firefighters enlisted to protect kids on way to school, business robbed across from police station
Chicago isn't safe. We've said this for at least a couple of years now, recommending that gun owners and their families avoid Chicago because of the rampant violent crime - even in areas of the city formerly believed to be "safe". How bad has it gotten? This fall, Chicago…