Anti-gun Democrat political hack thinks lawmakers give people rights…
Truly a low-information legislator, elected by low-information voters, apparently... What an incredibly ignorant wench. Useful Idiot: Illinois Democrat Says Govt’s Job is to ‘Give Rights’ (Publius Forum) - Illinois State Representative Sara Feigenholtz thinks her job is to “give rights” to people. Feigenholtz recently blurted that out in an…
Sharon Dixon JAILED; Dem Machine couldn’t protect ex-Chicago Alderman from gun charge
Looks like the Chicago Democrat Machine couldn't protect one of its own when word leaked out of former Alderman Sharon Dixon's arrest Sunday and subsequent release after a mental health evaluation at Mt. Sinai. Second City Cop and Guns Save Life spilled the beans, forcing "authorities" to do the right…
They’re gonna need a new monkey…
Sort of like how anti-gun leftists are going to need a new paradigm to attack gun rights after the story broke yesterday of the 39% drop in firearm-related crimes since 1993, thanks in large part to the spread of right-to-carry across the nation with the exception of the State of…
LOL: The Low-Information Voters “Most Trusted” individuals
Reader's Digest has a poll out, surveying America's low information voters on who they believe most trustworthy in America today. #1: Tom Hanks #2: Sandra Bullock #3: Denzel Washington #4: Meryl Streep #5: Maya Angelou #6: Stephen Speilberg #7: Bill Gates #8: Alex Trebec #9: Melinda Gates #10: Julia Roberts…
An “uppity negro” to gun-grabbing “progressives”
Colion Noir nails it on the head as he takes his progressive, gun-hating detractors to task for attacking him based upon his race. These people who attack Noir are the same sorts of open-minded people who burn books from authors they disagree with. (The College Fix)…
Organized effort by left to denigrate America’s oldest civil rights organization?
Buckle yourself in for a fun ride on the lunatic train. We'll be leaving in a moment, but first, the set up: Founded in 1871, The National Rifle Association is America's oldest civil rights organization, defending Americans' right to self-defense for many decades now. That doesn't sit well will freedom-eschewing…
The Moral High Ground – Part Three
The Moral High Ground - Part Three by Bob Rainville In Part One, Bob Rainville introduced some new terms that will help us take control of the moral aspect of the gun debate. In Part Two, he addressed the trust and balance between the government and the citizenry; taking…
Rut row Brady Campaign: Firearm-related homicides, crimes down sharply since ’93
So much for the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence (ICHV) and the Brady Campaign's claims that firearm-related violence is plaguing America. As we're pretty sure our local chapter of ICHV, which has basically devolved into a book club, won't tell you about this... WASHINGTON (TheBlaze/AP) — Gun homicides have dropped…
The Moral High Ground – Part Two
In yesterday's first installment of Bob Rainville's "The Moral High Ground" Bob gave us some new terms to help us take back the language and make the moral case for gun ownership and against arbitrary restrictions. Here's a quick review of the new terms - your "Verbal Ammo" to…
AGENT PROVOCATEUR: Kook organizes armed march on D.C.
So, we see on Drudge Report that Adam Kokesh, a supposed "libertarian" activist and radio host, is organizing an long-gun open-carry rally and march into Washington D.C. Who is Adam Kokesh? Two words: Agent Provocateur. With friends like Adam Kokesh, you don't need any enemies. $5 says this crackpot Adam…