KARL DENNINGER: Obama’s puppet Francine Wheeler is a defective sack of meat
Karl Denninger goes after a private citizen Obama is pimping out as his puppet on gun control. Oh, it's delicious. And spot on. Obama And Francine Wheeler's New Low I rarely go after private citizens in my column. Today I'm going to make an exception and the reason is that…
New Indoor Range Needs Zoning Support
GSL has received word that Marcus Harris is working on opening an indoor pistol/rifle range on Rt. 45 north of Urbana. Mr. Harris is partnering with Tim Murray of the Morrigan Company. They go before the Champaign County Zoning board on April 25th, and could use some support from…
ILEAD rally: Major league FAIL
[caption id="attachment_7041" align="alignnone" width="600"] Check out the meager turnout at the HUGELY unsuccessful I-LEAD rally in Springfield. Scores of people were bused in for the allegedly mighty rally against civil rights.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_7042" align="alignnone" width="600"] Contrast the above I-LEAD group photo with this shot of Illinois…
Is the Senate bill a trap? Or potentially a good thing?
Bob Owens has some great thoughts on the Senate goings on. Republican Senators drop gun bill filibuster; is a trap being set? Written By: Bob Owens -Apr• 11•13 I was a little surprised that the Republicans skipped out on the gun control bill filibuster, allowing it to move…
Quislings move gun control forward in Senate today
Sixteen Republican Senators joined a majority of Democrats to move gun control forward in the U.S. Senate. The bill in question is the "background check" bill, which in reality is gun registration as much as it is a background check measure. That's the bad news. The good news is the…
32 guns per minute
Under Barack Hussein Obama, Americans are buying 32 guns each and every minute. We imagine that this past three months have seen half again more than that. And we've been busy buying ourselves to replace those guns we lost in those tragic boating accidents. We strongly recommend all of…
So it begins in New York: Gunowner forced to surrender guns over anxiety Rx
First of all, how does consulting with your physician end up costing you your Second Amendment rights without a court hearing? It does in New York State, following the passage of the SAFE Act. Second of all, what happens now when all gun owners know that talking to your physician…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Illegal alien gang banger kills random 14-year-old
Thank goodness Chicago is a sanctuary city. After all, we need these illegal aliens like these two to kill the Americans that Americans won't kill. And of course, Biden and Obama will tell law-abiding Americans that we need to cede our Second Amendment rights because of the crimes…
FRANK SHARPE: A call for common sense knife control.
by Frank Sharpe The following statement is issued by the Society Against Reason, Comprehension And Sound Minds: Today at Lone Star College's CyFair campus in Cypress, Texas, a white male went on a stabbing spree leaving 14 injured. The attacker was armed with a military-style knife, also known as the…
Assault knife used in Stabbing
Courtesy of the Drudge Report, There has been an illegal stabbing (as opposed to a legal one) in Texas. The crazed knife wielding lunatic decided to use an "assault knife" to injure innocent victims.. HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Multiple victims have been injured in a stabbing attack on the Lone Star…