Legislative update: Nationally and in Illinois…
by John Boch (Guns Save Life) - Good news for freedom lovers across our increasingly tattered nation! It's been a rough few days for the leftist, freedom eschewing gun grabbers out there, both at the national level, and here at home in Illinois. Everywhere they turn, they are stymied with…
PETA forming its own Air Force, “armed with weapons”
PETA (no, not People Eating Tasty Animals, but the other one that craves national media attention) is shopping around for a few good drones to fly around and harass - er, we mean "observe" - hunters. PETA is even claiming the new drones will be armed with "impressive new weapons…
Solution to criminal violence? End gun control.
One of our commenters named Jack posted an excellent response to Peter Tomaras' Gun Control Reality Check epistle. Here is the REAL solution: end gun control. Follow the constitution, as most states did prior to 1968 and the federal government did prior to 1934. NO INFRINGEMENT. Why not give freedom…
Rockford, IL anti-gun rally turns out… 7?
The leftist gun haters called for a rally in front of Dick's Sporting Goods Store in Rockford, IL on Sunday, April 7th. The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence put the word out to all of their fans, members and supporters, and MoveOn.org did the same with theirs. In the end,…
PETER TOMARAS: Gun control reality check
By Peter Tomaras (A version of appeared in the News-Gazette. Reprinted here with permission of author.) The gun control debate needs a reality check, and I will provide it, aware that those hostile to firearms do not welcome rational viewpoints. This is because people who fear, hate, or simply do…
Giffords: 5:36 to pass a background check… Us: Let’s have background checks before voting
Gabby Giffords "Right now, we have one system where responsible gun owners take a background check — my husband, Mark, took one just last month, and it took 5 minutes and 36 seconds. I remember waiting a lot longer than that for the subway to take me to my office…
The “NRA” is impotent? Ask Democrat Mark Begich about that one…
We love it when we hear leftist gun haters proclaim the NRA is all washed up and losing influence. It's almost as if they are a three-year-old, mentally or chronologically. chanting some sort of magic spell they believe will change reality. Don't believe me? (We're not going to complete…
Depraved. Indifferent. Savage. Grandmother conspires with grandson to kill grandfather
[caption id="attachment_6939" align="alignnone" width="580"] Janet Strickland, (Left) and William Strickland have been charged with first-degree murder. (Chicago Police Dept. / April 6, 2013 / Caption courtesy Chicago Tribune.)[/caption] There's been a significant update in the story we earlier reported where a 19-year-old gang-banging thug killed his own grandfather by shooting…
‘No guns’ public place + evil lunatic = grieving families
+ + = It's always been our position that the only thing that stands in the way of bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun. We wish we had thought to write the following is an equally succinct way, but alas, it…
Better late than never: Mainstream media advises ‘assertive response’ to glory killer attacks
h/t to Stretch. Interesting: In today's NY Times, they print an article advising everyday Americans to fight an active attack by a glory killer instead of remaining passive and waiting for help. (New York Times) - The speed and deadliness of recent high-profile shootings have prompted police departments to recommend…