JOHN BOCH: Is gun training a liability in court?

by John Boch Are you worried that training or competition experience will be used against you following a personal defense shooting incident? If so, you’re not alone. The concern often voiced is that a prosecuting attorney or a less-than-scrupulous trial attorney will cast your training and/or competition experience as honing…

Support for gun control measures continues to plummet

  Support for gun control is plummeting from the post-Sandy Hook attack hysteria. And the inverse is also true:  A growing number of Americans are embracing guns for their families for protection as evidenced by Americans going to gun shows ("Gun Shows Across the Nation Draw Record Crowds") and stripping…

Terrorists don’t abide by gun laws. Duh!

    As the sign says, not everyone can be an aerospace engineer when they grow up, so they join the Associated Press instead.  The reporters noted that the Boston islamic terrorists did not abide by Massachusetts' gun laws. BOSTON (AP) — As churches paused to mourn the dead and…

Call to action for Pontiac / Bloomington area gun owners…

  Downstate Representative Jason Barickman is hosting Chicago Democrat Christian Mitchell to a couple of downstate meetings in an effort to let the Chicago representative better understand downstate issues on Monday, April 22 in Pontiac and Bloomington. Christian Mitchell voted "no" on the "Shall Issue" vote on HB-997 last Thursday.…

CONTACT YOUR SENATOR: Shall issue for ALL of Illinois

[caption id="attachment_7179" align="alignnone" width="594"] Alan Gura, left and Otis McDonald in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building. Otis McDonald was the plaintiff in the landmark McDonald decision which incorporated the earlier landmark Heller gun rights decision to the fifty states.[/caption]   Contact your State Senator and urge him to…