The latest run on ammo leaves cops training with airsoft
There's yet another run on ammo. It wasn't as if ammo was available before the latest jihadi attack on Boston, but if there was any ammo available, it's gone now, according to CBS Miami. POMPANO BEACH (CBS4) – Ammunition sellers and manufacturers say there’s been a run on bullets and…
Here we go again: May issue to pop up in the Senate
Here we go again. Illinois does elect some seriously low-information legislators. Republican Tim Bivins is joining that category, along with long-time member Kwame Raoul. (AP) - A key Illinois senator says legislation allowing public gun possession will carve out an exception for Chicago. Republican Sen. Tim Bivins says the measure…
Jihad’s temporary success: UPDATE… CAPTURED.
UPDATE: THE YOUNG SCUMBAG CAPTURED. CRITICALLY WOUNDED. Prayers that he lasts long enough for us to interrogate him. Well, here you have it. Two muslim extremist reprobates (capitalization intentional) have terrorized and shut down an entire metropolitan area after a very successful (from their perspective) terrorist attack upon…
Where will you carry at come June 9th?
The Illinois House voted on the newest "shall issue" carry bill which was a fair bit more restrictive than the original HB997 introduced in January. It seems that civil rights opponents are hell-bent on taking us over the cliff to unregulated carry here in Illinois? Where will you carry come…
May 2013 issue of GunNews is up!
Some Illinois House members might want to rethink their opposition.
Shall issue fails in the Illinois House; Unregulated carry in 7 weeks!
Unregulated carry is but seven weeks away as only 64 of the required 71 Illinois House members voted for HB997's Amendment 9, the new "shall issue" carry bill. Given that we have the votes to stop a bad bill, and the last bad bill that came up only got…
Most Americans understand gun ownership makes your family safer
Training and education about guns are shining the light of truth on ignorance and bigotry. Mayor Bloomberg crying in his Big Gulp! And President Obama is no doubt weeping tears on his prayer rug. (Washington Post) - The failure of popular Senate gun proposals Wednesday…
PC FAIL again: Divestiture from gun companies fails in IL General Assembly
Efforts by the politically correct crowd to divest Illinois pension funds of firearms companies failed today in another blow to those who eschew civilian ownership of guns. HB1296 failed 46-69, proving in this instance that an overwhelming majority of Illinois House members understand that 1) divesting yourself of one of…
TEMPERS FLARE: “May issue” went down hard
[caption id="attachment_7127" align="alignnone" width="510"] Illinois Rep. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro, argues gun legislation while on the House floor during session at the Illinois State Capitol Wednesday, April 17, 2013, in Springfield Ill. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman) Caption by State Journal-Register.[/caption] Tempers flared in the Illinois General Assembly yesterday as die-hard leftists tried…
No, Mr. President. YOU are the liar
[caption id="attachment_7103" align="alignnone" width="620"] BITTER O.[/caption] (Washington Times) - President Obama angrily blamed the defeat Wednesday of his centerpiece gun-control proposal on lies spread by the National Rifle Association, calling it “a pretty shameful day for Washington.” “The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill,” Mr.…