We’re going to get a “shall issue” vote for Illinois TODAY UPDATED
UPDATED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IN BOLD. We are going to get a vote in the Illinois House on HB997, the "shall issue" carry bill once supported by the NRA, ISRA and GSL. Well, actually, there's going to be an amendment put forth [today] that will be very similar to HB997. …
Senate gun “deal” DEAD
It's a dead duck. SIX votes shy of passage. Senate rejects background checks on gun purchases in 54-46 vote The Senate delivered a devastating blow to President Obama’s agenda to regulate guns Wednesday by defeating a bipartisan proposal to expand background checks. It failed by a vote of 54…
Things heating up in Springfield…
Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan is taking another run at "may issue" carry today. He's got himself another shell bill that's been converted into a "may issue" bill sponsored by a rabid gun grabber Rep. Kelly Cassidy. ISRA is urging folks to contact their Representatives and remind them it…
96% of Americans don’t believe ‘gun control’ is most pressing issue
That's right, folks. 96% of Americans do NOT believe additional gun control is the nation's most important problem. Just a fringe group of about 4% have the misguided belief that recreating past tyrannies is the most pressing issue for America. Gallup has the numbers. The top five most important issues:…
Guns Save Life OPPOSED to the Manchin-Toomey background check compromise
Guns Save Life is strongly opposed to the Manchin-Toomey background check compromise. Put simply, the bill restricts your ability to sell your own personal property, and allows the federal government to capture information about the sale as part of a background check. Registration of firearms is a vital component to…
JOHN NAESE: The Best Revenge
by John Naese I’ll bet there is at least a twinge of depression in all of you right now. Maybe more than a twinge. At Guns Save Life, we like to look on the bright side, but it’s hard to do that all the time. Everywhere you look, more idiots…
Crazy Lisa back in the headlines…
Well, it appears that crazy, leftist freedom hating Lisa is back to push for strict Concealed Carry laws. She apparently feels we should model ourselves after New York. As John B. Posted earlier today the crime rate is skyrocketing in New York because of their great new gun laws.. …
Crime exploding in New York City following SAFE Act passage
Mayor Bloomberg's hometown, no less. Passing more gun control only increases violent crime... (NY Post) - Some of Manhattan’s wealthiest neighborhoods are exploding in a wave of violent crime that hearkens back to the bad old days when people feared going out at night, according to NYPD data obtained by…
Gun safety: North Korean Style
Looking at the North Koreans, you have to marvel at their incompetence handling guns... from a safety standpoint as well as technique. Check out this video for how not to handle guns.
Senate gun “compromise” in peril
[caption id="attachment_7059" align="alignnone" width="605"] Being sworn in, from left: Kelly; David Kopel, law professor at Strum College in Denver; Baltimore Police Chief James Johnson, chair of the National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence; Gayle Trotter, senior fellow with the Independent Women's Forum; and LaPierre. AP Photo. Politico/AP Caption.[/caption]…