Illinois’ Democrat Robin Kelly: Plumbing the depths of ignorance while blaming the victims
This woman is running for Jesse Jackson Jr.'s former Congressional seat in a district marked by low-information voters. She's widely expected to win the seat by a comfortable margin, and it's not surprising that she's a low-information individual herself, making her a low-information legislator. She was at a community forum…
Chicago’s weekend forecast: Violent, with a chance of deadly
Chicagoland is slated to see the warmest temperatures of the year this weekend. And you know what that means! It means mobs of unruly black teens - as acknowledged by even the mainstream media - will be out prowling and growling on the Magnificent Mile, Gold Coast and elsewhere…
Couple of social media hits today… good reads
Say hello to Aidan Folan. He's a liberal Democrat, according to his Facebook page, no doubt a supporter of gun bans and gun control. He studied journalism and his most recent day job was as a counselor for the Center for Family Life in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, New York.…
NEW YORK LUNACY: Dad’s pistol license suspended over 10-year-old son’s minor transgression
I will leave you with this story without comment. N.Y. Dad’s Pistol License Suspended Over Something His 10-Year-Old Son Said — and It Could Be 8 Years Before He Gets It Back New York (Blaze) - A New York father has had his firearms all but confiscated after the…
Don’t mess with momma grizzly
Don’t mess with momma grizzly! Bonnie Garrett didn’t know she had a ticket in the bucket for the Glock 19 at the Pontiac GSL monthly meeting Tuesday night, but her dad put her name on one of the stubs he bought before the meeting. It was the lucky ticket…
Doubling down on stupid: Low-information legislator of the day, two days running!
Yesterday we reported on a useful idiot legislator who said that ammunition magazines would be used up when the bullets were expended. Don't take our paraphrasing of her idiocy, here's her own words: (RCP) – Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colorado): “I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the…
Mark your calendars: ILEAD Rally next Thursday! Help wanted.
ILEAD Rally Coming Thursday, April 11th! Illinois gun owners held a VERY successful Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day on March 6th this year, with about 8100 people participating - and that's with a colossal snowstorm in the northern half of the state the night before the rally. Well, the…
So-called “Momentum” for gun control at national level is wishful thinking
The "momentum" claimed by leftists gun-haters is nothing more than wishful thinking at this point in time as the hysterical support for gun control following Sandy Hook has almost completely evaporated. In fact, support for additional gun restrictions and bans continues to plummet, causing consternation among Dianne Feinstein and her…
Connecticut, Maryland gun bans pass first hurdle… passage expected
Both Connecticut and Maryland have passed gun and magazine bans in their respective Houses, sending the bills to their respective Senates where passage is expected thanks to a preponderance of gun-hating leftist Democrats willing to disarm their constituents. Beretta has told Maryland that they aren't bluffing in their threat to relocate…
April 2013 GunNews is up!
April's issue of GunNews is online for your edification. Join Guns Save Life today to get GunNews as soon as it comes out, delivered right to your mailbox!