“Support your local sheriff” may take a whole new meaning if this low-information Rep. has her way
[caption id="attachment_6749" align="alignnone" width="640"] Rep. Yvonne Davis.[/caption] Why is it some people can't help but open their mouths to confirm everyone's suspicions? Democrat Rep. Yvonne Davis, serving the low information voters in Dallas, TX, has proposed a new law to have the federal government remove the highest elected…
PATHETIC: 20 fringe leftists seek to recreate past tyrannies in Daley Plaza last week
How pathetic was it? It took us a week to hear about it. These are the same people who employed similar tactics against nuclear weapons back in the 80s. [caption id="attachment_6728" align="alignnone" width="390"] Oct. 1983 in Columbus, OH.[/caption] These fringe leftists believe if we just surrender all our…
Paul McKinley hits the Chicago “Machine” where it counts
The Chicago Democratic "Machine". The people who have brought slums and urban despair to Chicagoland. The people who brought strict gun control to keep the population defenseless against criminal attack - and kept the people reliant upon government instead of themselves for their own safety and well-being. The people who…
Chicagoland: A great place to get away with crime and murder
Chicago's dismal rate of solving homicides is truly abysmal. A 26% clearance rate, according to the cops. (Chicago Magazine) - ...Only 132 of the 507 murder cases in the city last year were closed last year. That makes for a homicide clearance rate of 26 percent—the lowest in two…
Firearms manufacturing: Two pillars of our economy, according to Obama himself
...Well, sort of. Obama called Government Motors a "pillar of our economy" back in 2009 when he gave GM to the UAW. In 2013, firearms manufacturing is twice as big, in terms of jobs, as GM in all of North America. Which, according to simple math, means guns are two…
CBS poll reveals support for gun control plummets sharply
Reported quietly today. Almost like they didn't want you to see this story! (CBS News) - Soon after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced an assault weapons ban would not be part of a gun control bill, a new CBS News poll shows support for stricter gun control laws…
Bellicose Chicagoland proggie goes into cuffs
Obnoxious progressive with a bellicose attitude found himself in cuffs after leaving this message on a State Rep.'s answering machine. Lawmaker receives threat over gay marriage remarks (Daily Herald) - A Chicago man has been charged with disorderly conduct for making a telephone threat to a state representative who…
Wheels come off for gun haters…
The good guys are winning this fight for our civil rights. The evidence is everywhere! Part of this evidence is the problems that have been snowballing for gun haters everywhere, not only in their thwarted efforts to take our gun rights away, but in their personal lives as well. Examples…
I’m with “stupid”…
From AntiJenX Someone posted this “article” [See indented area below] to Facebook last week, and several of us took exception. We’re very, very tired, of the hoplophobic left fabricating this hysterical nonsense and attributing it to those of us who believe that we have a fundamental human right to…
GSL’s newest member to the family
Guns Save Life's newest member to the family, Evan Dean. He's so cute! ROSES ARE RED MY GUN IS BLUE MY BABY SLEEPS SAFE HOW ABOUT YOU? GUNS SAVE LIFE.com