Another Mayor Against Guns faces (gun) charges
Marcus Hook mayor probed in gun incident at his home (Philadelphia Enquirer) - He was a guest at President's State of the Union address just a year ago. Now, he is under investigation for allegedly shooting a gun in his house and giving alcohol to a 20-year-old whom he threatened…
Magpul: Adios, Colorado.
Via Facebook: Apparently Gov Hickenlooper has announced that he will sign HB 1224 on Wednesday. We were asked for our reaction, and here is what we said: We have said all along that based on the legal problems and uncertainties in the bill, as well as general principle, we…
GLORY KILLER: Sandy Hook shooter wanted a new “high score”
(NY Daily News) - It is three months since the killings in Newtown, since 20 children and six adults were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School less than two weeks before Christmas. And as bad as the story was, and will always be, it is even worse than…
TSA “VIPR” team storms Chicago train while rampant violence elsewhere in town
(CBS) — It was stunning for those who watched Thursday night as federal agents investigated a possible nuclear threat at Chicago’s Ogilvie Transportation Center. CBS 2′s photojournalist Lana Hinshaw-Klann happened to be at the scene and used a cell-phone camera to record agents in action. Reporter Dave Savini looks into…
Surveillance nation: Cook County faces big payout on audio recordings of police
Cook County has seen an explosion of surveillance cameras in public, but the same county is not at all keen to have the "little people" recording law enforcement there. So, they arrested the lowly citizens making recordings and tried to put them through the wringer. Well, that didn't work so…
PERSONAL SAFETY: Here comes trouble
by John Boch GSL Defense Training Illinois remains, for the time being, a disarmed state and as such, the single best weapon you can carry with you is your situational awareness. Bad guys like people who aren’t paying attention. They make great victims. We sometimes refer to those unaware people…
HYPOCRISY RUNS DEEP among gun haters
[caption id="attachment_6492" align="alignnone" width="630"] Gabby Giffords looking "tough" for her constituents with an AR-15 at a range.[/caption] The Hypocrisy runs deep among those who would take away your right to defend your family with effective tools. Take Gabby Giffords, the brain-damaged former Congressman from Arizona. When she needed to…
ALERT: Light up the switchboards of the Illinois House! UPDATE 2
Email from the Field Marshal of pro-gun forces in Springfield at the State Capitol: As we thought, the leadership is working overtime to try and find the votes to pass the magazine ban in the Illinois House of Representatives. We are working to kill this thing off again, but we…
Second Amendment Sunday!
Church Holds Second Amendment Sunday Bensenville, IL ( - God and guns go hand-in-hand according to a Chicago-area pastor who hosted a Second Amendment Sunday in his church – that included a cake decorated with an edible chocolate Glock emblazoned with the phrase, “Blessed Are the Peacemakers.” “Jesus was…