Preach it, brother! “Gun control is about people control”
"We cannot allow the law to recognize the humanity of this individual because he would be able to keep and bear arms." -- Dred Scott v. Sanford
Atwood Little League AR-15 drawing gets big-time publicity
Remember that Atwood Little League AR-15 drawing that Guns Save Life member Jan King sold tickets for at the Tuesday night Guns Save Life meeting? News of the drawing has gone national! Looks like they are going to net more than the $10 they raised with last year's efforts. Jan…
ILLINOIS: Illinois leftists try to tie strings to right-to-carry
The merry-go-round in Springfield's capitol building continues unabated. Yesterday, House Speaker Michael Madigan continued his efforts to pass a "bad" carry bill. How bad? Register your guns. Report lost or stolen guns within 72 hours. Lock up your safety if you live in household with prohibited person. A ban on…
HAPPY ENDINGS: Marine stops man from beating woman to death in Wisconsin
He saved the woman from an attack by her estranged boyfriend, possibly saving her life... ...and the best part is he didn't have to pull the trigger, although he'd made the decision to do so if need be. Marine with concealed carry permit stops man from beating woman WEST…
HAPPY ENDINGS: Suspected robber well-shot by elderly man
[caption id="attachment_6457" align="alignnone" width="640"] Lonnie the rocket surgeon would-be robber, "allegedly".[/caption] Just because you see an elderly driver doesn't mean they are of diminished mental capacity, in addition to an age-related physical disadvantage to the young. If police reports have this one right, one punk, Lonnie Lorenza Hollingsworth Jr., 28,…
If gun control is so popular, why are Obama & Cuomo’s approval ratings declining?
[caption id="attachment_6449" align="alignnone" width="512"] Cuomo and Obama. Tyrants of a feather flock together.[/caption] President Obama: McClatchy-Marist poll shows Obama tumbling in voters’ eyes Washington (McClatchy) — If President Barack Obama had piled up political capital with his impressive re-election, it’s largely gone. His approval rating has dropped to the…
Sneak Preview of the latest documentary on Guns Save Life
Guns Save Life is set to be nationally profiled on the PBS show "News Hour" in the coming days. Here's a sneak preview of the video to be aired. Handguns and Humor in the Heartland from Stretch Ledford on Vimeo. Sorry for getting a little weepy near…
Doing it right: Your home is your most accessible training center
Part 2 Doing it Right: Your home is your most accessible training center by John Naese (Guns Save Life) - Carrying a firearm is an acquired habit and an acquired skill. If you haven’t done it on a regular basis, it takes some getting used to. Practicing around your home…
Illinois’ Democrat Jan Schakowsky vows handgun bans are next…
[caption id="attachment_6442" align="alignnone" width="475"] Shameful Jan Schakowsky .[/caption] Some of these leftist Democrats are trying like mad to tie their party's name to gun control. Schakowsky: Assault Weapons Ban 'Just the Beginning' (Breitbart) - Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a member of the Democratic Party’s leadership in the House of Representatives,…