HATE MAIL from a medical doctor: “Jesus”
Oooh, baby! We've got a gem for you to start the week with. It's from a 52-year-old physician from Tennessee, pictured above. From Bobby G... Subject: Jesus I watched a video of one of your training sessions. It is Sunday morning. I read today's church readings. I cannot help…
Obama administration admits “mistake” killing 16-year-old American
The extra-constitutional folly of the Obama regime continues in full bloom, however the New York Times stepped off the reservation with a report Saturday of an admission by the Obama State Department that the Obama-approved assassination of a 16-year-old American in Yemen was a "mistake". The missile strike on Sept.…
TSA: You’ve suspected security theater. Former TSA Agent confirms it
Here's the tease: (New York Post) - A LOT of what we do is make-believe. I’ve had to screen small children and explain to their parents I had no choice but to “check” them. I would only place my hands on their arms and bottom half of their…
Roundup: Feinstein seeks to strip soldiers of guns, Dems feeling heat on guns, left’s personal attacks
Feinstein: All vets *might* have PTSD and thus all vets should be ineligible to own guns Her words last Thursday at a Senate hearing: SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN: ...with the advent of PTSD, which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War, it’s not clear how…
Hypocrite Gabby Gifford’s husband’s PR stunt set to backfire
[caption id="attachment_6417" align="alignnone" width="545"] Mark Kelly fills out the form 4473 to purchase America's favorite rifle as part of a PR stunt for his wife's new employer, the gun-grabbing Americans for Responsible Solutions.[/caption] Gabby Giffords, the Arizona Congressman shot in the head in an attempted assassination a couple of years…
BEWARE: Cook County Sheriff conducting stings on private sales…
... As evidenced by a post at AR15.com that was posted at Armslist and picked up by Second City Cop. This isn't the first "sting" conducted by so-called peace officers acting at the behest of anti-gun administrators. They've been at gun shows in years past, trying to make arrests of…
I Am a Gun
by R.G. Yoho Clash Daily Guest Contributor I am a gun. I have challenged the waves and crossed a vast, unforgiving sea. I have landed on these shores. I am held by the pilgrim, the pioneer, and the trail blazer. I have brought civilization to a barren wilderness. I am…
COLORADO: Gun ban dead; mag ban near death.
[caption id="attachment_6402" align="alignnone" width="542"] Maroon Bells Aspen.[/caption] Good news in Colorado! The ban on campus carry in Colorado is effectively dead, meaning coeds in Colorado can still carry the means with which to defend themselves from rape and other violent attack should they be properly licensed. Legislators recognized that the…
State-Journal Register hears complaints, revises IGOLD-related captions.
The Illinois State Journal-Register angered lots of us in their coverage of the Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day in Springfield. They had a series of photos and the caption was as follows: Hundreds of gun owners and supporters gathered on the lawn of the Capitol for a brief rally during…
Reader writes about inspirational experience at IGOLD
Mitch V. wrote about his experience becoming more active in defending freedom, purchasing his first guns late last year, and attending his first Guns Save Life meeting in November. From there, he went to IGOLD and he's excited. That can be you, too. Come out and join us. It's a…