COPS: “You’re on your own” before police arrive
Project Veritas has hit another home run with a new powerhouse video out of an undercover reporter asked police officers in a number of New York State communities (and a few outside NY State) what he's supposed to do between the time he would call 9-1-1 for help and the…
Gun rights town hall in Rochelle TONITE!
A Town Hall Meeting on Gun Rights in Illinois Friday, March 8th 6:00 pm Rochelle City Council Chambers 420 North Street.
How to get shot in Kentucky… Or Indiana, or Tennesee, or Florida, or Missouri, or Wisconsin, or Texas, or Georgia…
Here's a cute "game" for you: Walk into a shop, pretend like you have a gun in your pocket or under your shirt and scream like a lunatic for everyone to get down. This stunt by "Neg" on British TV is supposed to be comedy. Try it in America, where…
Today marks the 177th Anniversary of the Alamo
[caption id="attachment_6366" align="alignnone" width="600"] The Alamo today.[/caption] Just thought you would appreciate a reminder. LawDog has a nice post about it at his blog. ...When Jim Bowie's mother was informed of his death, she very calmly announced: "I'll wager no wounds were found in his back." Indeed. 189 defenders of…
Colorado criminals for gun control…
[caption id="attachment_6362" align="alignnone" width="401"] Criminal Rhonda Fields has sticky fingers.[/caption] Meet a co-sponsor of Colorado's bill to ban shotguns and standard-capacity magazines, a two-time wearer of the silver bracelets and now Colorado State Rep. Rhonda Fields: (Red State) - According to a Colorado Bureau of Investigations report obtained by…
It was our day to shine: IGOLD 2013 a massive success.
It was our day to shine! [caption id="attachment_6337" align="alignnone" width="600"] Otis McDonald, left, applauds a point made by IGOLD spokesman Valinda Rowe at the pre-march warm-up at the Prairie Capital Convention Center. Otis McDonald was the plaintiff in the landmark civil rights case McDonald v. Chicago. More gun owners were…
Good job Gresham: 16,630 new NRA life members.
[caption id="attachment_6318" align="alignnone" width="550"] The Brady Campaign and that new farcical new group of leftist gun grabbers headed up by Gabby Giffords only wishes they had cash like this...[/caption] No Lawyers reports that the NRA's recent Life Member drive netted 16, 630 new Life members (including yours truly) for just…
MidwayUSA: Thanks a million.
[caption id="attachment_6314" align="alignnone" width="450"] Brenda and Larry Potterfield of MidwayUSA.[/caption] We at Guns Save Life say, "Thank You" to the Potterfields for the generous philanthropy outside of this million dollar gift to the NRA and their sponsorship of the NRA Round-up program. Kudos to Larry and Brenda: Great Americans.…
Let’s keep bad guys in prison instead of taking good guys’ guns away
Brian Hughes send this great piece of analysis last night: Fox News brings transparency to the agenda of the lawmakers in Illinois who are attempting to infringe on our Second Amendment rights. Apparently we, as law abiding citizens, are an easy target for these elected officials to enact new laws…