Gun control rally in Eugene, OR turns out 20, including media
The Washington Times has the feel-good story of the day for you! Oregon gun-control rally draws mayor, 20 others - including the media... A rally supporting a ban on “assault weapons” in Eugene, Ore., failed to draw the attention of the community Saturday afternoon, with only about 20 people…
Illinois legislative update: New strategy… tell Chicago no
Todd Vandermyde is a little nonplussed at Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan's shenanigans on passing carry legislation for Illinois. First, he's dragged his feet bringing our bill to the floor in an effort to try to pass a restrictive bill instead. When that failed, he orchestrated a political circus last…
Colorado seeks non-resident hunters… tell ’em to pound sand
Colorado, the state seeking to ban most modern shotguns and all magazines over 15 rounds and at the same time is seeking non-residents gun owners to come and spend dollars into their economy hunting. From Denver Post article via Field and Stream... After years of watching sales of elk…
Why exactly are Democrats in Colorado fighting campus carry?
[caption id="attachment_5854" align="alignright" width="600"] DENVER, CO. - FEBRUARY 18: Representative Lois Court hugs Representative Rhonda Fields after the Colorado House voted in four bills that seek to enact universal gun background checks, fees for background checks, limits on magazine size and a ban on conceal carry permits on college campuses…
Fascists gaining ground in Italy; seek “processing” of all Jews
Folks, this is troubling. Dangerous Times: How Euro-socialism Set off a Fascist Bomb By James Lewis and Justine Aristea American Thinker In the terrible economic crisis of 1922 Benito Mussolini got 25% of the vote in Italy. Two years later he had more than a majority. You know the rest.…
Doing it right: Don’t cut corners on training.
By John Naese (Guns Save Life) - Permit to carry is coming to Illinois. We don’t yet know what the exact rules will be, but within six months a law should be in place. As soon as they can, thousands of Illinoisans (maybe even you!) will be carrying firearms as…
The Boulder, CO Airlift: PMAGs for Freedom
[caption id="attachment_6226" align="alignnone" width="804"] Mapgul Boulder Airlift.[/caption] Magpul is proud to announce the “Boulder Airlift”, our program to make sure that responsible Colorado citizens have the opportunity to own standard capacity PMAGs prior to the potential implementation of pending legislation that would infringe on their Second Amendment Rights. The…
Piers Morgan: Call him Mr. 87,000
87,000. That's how many viewers in the 27-54 demographic the charming gasbag Piers Morgan has on the average night. Black Sphere savages Morgan in a piece today. The First Amendment in America guarantees our right to free speech, perhaps the only right the Left clings to and champions. And chief…
NRA-ILA Alert: Gun, mag ban bills coming to Illinois House
Don't wait until IGOLD to contact your representative! NRA ALERT: Gun & Mag bills coming to Illinois House. This coming week, the Illinois House will consider extreme anti-gun legislation that will ban commonly owned semi automatic firearms and standard capacity magazines. The particular language will most likely be attached…