HATE MAIL: Dan Hull waves the white flag

  Dan Hull sent us a raving bit of hate mail earlier in the week. We posted it here, along with some commentary.  The comments have been priceless. Here's Dan's missive: In your newsletter it states the American Revolution started because guns were taken away. Absolutely made up like all…

Our Rights as Americans and Gun Control

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."                                                                              George Santayana   by Michael T. Charles, Ph.D., MPA                                                                                                 February 2013 (Guns Save Life) -  There are strong opinions and misconceptions regarding gun control in the United States. Arguments for and against such legislation and the recent…

HATE MAIL! Hate is so unflattering

We do love hate mail. Dan Hull sent us this gem a few days ago.  He didn't pass the spam filter, but we rescued it from oblivion before it got kicked to the curb and we're certainly glad we did. Dan's been busy working himself up into a frenzy, upset…

Oh no! We can’t allow carry in bars!

[caption id="attachment_6098" align="alignnone" width="600"] Mugshots of the suspects: (left to right) Lynell J. Hill, Joseph Nathanael Hill, Dexter Lewis (Photos provided by the Denver Police Department) (Caption provided by Denver Post)[/caption]   Because nothing bad *ever* happens at a bar, right?! Certainly not like armed robbers coming in with plans…