Send a message to the Firearm Industry

Remember that really nice page Ruger set up where you could enter your name and address and it would mail pro-civil rights letters to all of your elected officials, both state and federal? (Yeah, if you haven't done it, do so now.  Click the link and it'll open a new…

That could NEVER happen here…

  That Could NEVER Happen Here... by Karl Denninger Market-Ticker Anyone remember what happened today, 71 years ago? Probably not. On February 19th, 1942 FDR willfully and intentionally violated The Constitution, an act for which he should have been impeached. I am speaking of the Japanese internment -- the rounding…

Light posting…

In part because of mourning the loss of a good friend and great American O.B. Streeper, and in part because we've been busy in the real world, with things like working at the Bloomington Gun Show and having a life...  

Police administrators: Dumb and Dumber

[caption id="attachment_4734" align="alignnone" width="690"] Chicago's Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy. He was quoted on a radio show saying he would train his officers to shoot licensed civilians with guns.  And now he says gun advocates are corrupt.  Nice guy, eh?[/caption] Unicorns, Mermaids and Make Believe in Chicago Garry McCarthy, Chicago's top…

OB Streeper obituary

[caption id="attachment_5844" align="alignnone" width="988"] OB Streeper in World War II.[/caption]   CHENOA (Pantagraph)— Owen B. Streeper, 89, Chenoa, passed away at 12:53 p.m. Wednesday (Feb. 13, 2013) at his residence. His funeral will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Chenoa Presbyterian Church, Chenoa, with Chip Finck officiating. Burial will follow…