Chicago Police Chief launches attack on Guns Save Life & other “gun advocates”
Chicago's latest police superintendent / streetlight assassin Garry McCarthy: the guy who claimed that he would train his officers to shoot licensed civilians with guns the guy who claimed a couple of tables full of evil "black guns" were confiscated in the first days of the 2013 when the press…
More on Sinaloa cartel
Yesterday, we wrote about Shorty Guzman being named Public Enemy #1 in Chicago. Today, we've got more on his drug cartel. The brutal violence that you see in Mexico (beheadings, dismemberments, or bodies dissolved in vats of alkali) is largely related to the war between Sinaloa and its main…
Bear with us…
Looks like it's time to migrate to a bigger, badder server. For those of you experiencing lag, this is why. Sorry bout that. John
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Hero Guardsman murdered shielding his 2-year-old son
Scumbags in Chicago shoot and kill a serviceman just back from serving his nation in combat. His last dying act was to shield his toddler son from the hail of gunfire. The problem isn't guns. The problem is a lack of guns in the hands of good guys. And gangs.…
Welcome to Barack Obama’s middle class.
The NRA has sprouted some serious cajones with their latest "Stand and Fight" campaign. God bless them! Here's their latest, powerful video. Watch it and weep, gun grabbers! So they want to ban high capacity magazines... not for the security that surrounds the president, Congress, Mayor Bloomberg, rock stars, CEOs…
Great Guns raised $10,129.57 for new indoor range.
10,129.57 We hit our $7,000 goal to provide the steel and wood ceiling baffles for the second of two ranges at the new Central IL Precision Shooters indoor youth training facility in Bloomington and then some, thanks to YOU, all the folks who bought tickets for two great guns, the…
Five gun companies tell New York to pound sand Updated: Now seven.
Five companies, thus far, have communicated their intention not to sell to any police or government agencies in New York State. LaRue Tactical Olympic Arms Extreme Firepower Inc, LLC Templar Custom York Arms NEW: Cheaper than Dirt NEW: Midway USA Guns Save Life is joining with Grass Roots North Carolina…
Bill Cotter. R.I.P. to a Korean War hero.
Frank Wright, a long-time mutual friend of Mr. Cotter and I wrote this piece. It reminds me of the final scene at the cemetery in Saving Private Ryan. I knew bits and pieces of this story, but never the whole thing. Wow. What an incredible man. [caption id="attachment_5692" align="alignnone"…
BelRockCity Girl got herself a purdy 9mm pistola
We've been remiss in keeping ya'all up to speed on our little friend Natalie's escapades. She's the married mom of five boys (that's a lot of testosterone) who has decided to become part of the fastest growing demographic of gun owners in America: women. She got herself a 9mm pistola…
O.B. Streeper. R.I.P. to an American hero UPDATED with arrangements
[caption id="attachment_5787" align="alignnone" width="650"] O.B. Streeper at the October 2012 Guns Save Life meeting.[/caption] It is with profound sadness that I report the passing of a great man and good friend, O.B. Streeper from Chenoa, IL. Mr. Streeper was a great man, from a young age. In World War…