Breaking news: Obama not a fudd after all

Sad and shocking news: President Obama turns out not to be an avid skeet shooter despite his unequivocal claims to the contrary. We wouldn't want to accuse Mr. President of being delusional so as not to diminish Joe Biden's accomplishments in this arena. Would Mr. Obama ever lie to the…

Local GSL member at Lew Rockwell: Lies and the State

[caption id="attachment_5374" align="alignnone" width="550"] A woman hears that her sister, a teacher at Sandy Hook Elemetary School, was among the victims. She died shielding her students with her body.[/caption]   Elizabeth Cameron, one of our Guns Save Life family, had a piece published at Lew Rockwell a few days ago…

CHICAGO: The true causes of Chicago’s insane orgy of violence

Welcome to Chicago. [caption id="attachment_5362" align="alignnone" width="480"] Chicago Police investigate near a body after a shooting on S. Champlain Avenue near 75th Street in Chicago on Tuesday, January 29, 2013. (Terrence Antonio James/Chicago Tribune) Caption by Chicago Tribune.[/caption]   Chicago's already off to a rousing start this year, with forty-some…

Guns Save Life Jan Meeting Summary (Rantoul)

[caption id="attachment_5300" align="alignnone" width="600"] It was packed, standing room only at the January GSL meeting in Rantoul. Here, Frank Wright gives our response to the Newtown, CT massacre.[/caption] Guns Save Life’s President John Boch called the January 2013 meeting to order at 7:00 sharp. It was a chaotic night with…