More on Sinaloa cartel

  Yesterday, we wrote about Shorty Guzman being named Public Enemy #1 in Chicago. Today, we've got more on his drug cartel. The brutal violence that you see in Mexico (beheadings, dismemberments, or bodies dissolved in vats of alkali) is largely related to the war between Sinaloa and its main…

Welcome to Barack Obama’s middle class.

The NRA has sprouted some serious cajones with their latest "Stand and Fight" campaign.  God bless them! Here's their latest, powerful video.  Watch it and weep, gun grabbers! So they want to ban high capacity magazines...  not for the security that surrounds the president, Congress, Mayor Bloomberg, rock stars, CEOs…

Bill Cotter. R.I.P. to a Korean War hero.

Frank Wright, a long-time mutual friend of Mr. Cotter and I wrote this piece.  It reminds me of the final scene at the cemetery in Saving Private Ryan. I knew bits and pieces of this story, but never the whole thing. Wow.  What an incredible man.   [caption id="attachment_5692" align="alignnone"…