An amazing 13-year-old girl
So, guys: Do you think you can shoot? Can you out-shoot a 13-year-old girl? Hat tips to Breach Bang Clear and Gun Free Zone.
Natural News: How the post-Sandy Hook gun control push spectacularly backfired in America
How the post-Sandy Hook gun control push spectacularly backfired in America (NaturalNews) - In the aftermath of the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, the gun grabbers across America unleashed a full court press to try to wholly disarm American citizens. With the help of the incessantly anti-gun mainstream media, people…
Unconfirmed info: Dorner en route to Chicago via train
Unconfirmed, but be aware. Makes perfect sense though. What other state could he run to which would ensure law-abiding civilians would not have guns? via Second City Cop just a couple of hours ago: From a source that has been correct in the past: SCC: Please warn officers, UNCONFIRMED…
Hunt for a leftist killer: Leftism *is* violence
It's amazing how the mainstream media has does its best to restrain itself and hide the political ideology of Chris Dorner, the madman killer who is targeting cops and anyone who has supposedly wronged him in his ongoing rampage in California. Dorner, a big fan of disarming Americans of…
DISHONORED: Marines march at Obama’s inaugural with neutered guns…
Obama doesn't trust the US Marines. So he dishonors them publicly by forcing them to neuter their guns in his presence. It's not the first time he's done this either. Marines Marching In Inauguration Parade Had Disabled Rifles (Blur Brain) - Take a close look at the M-14 rifles…
GSL Monthly Meeting TUESDAY NIGHT.
[caption id="attachment_5699" align="alignnone" width="600"] Last month's GSL Rantoul Meeting. Only about 250-275 people were present. Get there early this month. It's going to be packed.[/caption] Come out and join us Tuesday evening for a great evening of food, fellowship, fun and, last but not least, firearms! Speaking of firearms,…
Bill Cotter, long-time GSL treasurer, passes away UPDATED information
[caption id="attachment_5692" align="alignnone" width="600"] Bill Cotter from the June 2000 Guns Save Life meeting with some of his very impressive collection of Winchester lever guns from the 1800s.[/caption] Bill Cotter, Guns Save Life's long-time treasurer during much of the 2000s, passed away in his home yesterday. Visitation is…
Holder: It’s now or never
(The Atlanta Journal-Constitution) Recalling his walk through the bloody halls of Sandy Hook Elementary School, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday the nation is ready for comprehensive gun-control legislation. “I think the American people have a feeling, and I hear it as I go across the country, that enough…
Recoil tries a reload
RECOIL, the gun magazine who brazenly told civilians they shouldn't have modern firearms has brought on Iain Harrison as their new head honcho. (See RECOIL from Recoil Magazine. “MP7A1 is unavailable to civilians and for good reason.”) Harrison gained some notoriety as a competitor on Top Shot, winning whatever year's competition…
LAPD counter-attack on innocent civilians rivals killer’s carnage
[caption id="attachment_5659" align="alignnone" width="688"] A shot up pickup truck containing two older females mistaken for a black Nissan pickup truck driven by a 6' 270# black male. Notice the fine marksmanship? And the two little old ladies in the pickup truck weren't even shooting back![/caption] Los Angeles Police…