LaRue Tactical: Holding state and local law enforcement to civilian standards
LaRue Tactical has always been a class act. Mark LaRue, the owner, is a great businessman and quite the philanthropist as well, giving generously to pro-gun rights causes and projects with both cash and product. His latest: He holds state and local law enforcement to the same laws which are…
Nice job, LAPD… rapid and promiscuous FAIL!
Inquiring minds would certainly like to see the video from the squad car involved where two LA Police officers rapidly and promiscuously opened fire on a pickup truck, thinking they had the far left-wing murderer Christopher Dorner in their sights. If you or I had opened fire on a pickup…
Rough Week For Liberals… Three Deranged Far Left Killers Make the News
Gateway Pundit hits another home run, detailing three deranged, leftist killers in the news. So much for dancing in the blood of all of those victims to advocate for gun control, eh? Rough Week For Liberals… Three Deranged Far Left Killers Make the News Isn’t about time we…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: 15-year-old with 20 arrests… why isn’t he in the pokey?
[caption id="attachment_5633" align="alignnone" width="600"] Noah Foods, site of one of Chicago's most recent homicides. Sent in by one of our readers.[/caption] Want to know why Chicago isn't safe? It's because of thugs like Jesus Castaneda. Lil' Rowdy is his nickname. With almost twenty arrests in his 15-young years, he's a…
The Father of IGOLD passes: Goodbye Mr. Martin…
by Paul Vallandigham (GunNews) - We can all agree that we lost a fine friend, and colleague on a cold and dreary Monday morning in January 2011, but we lost much more. Gene Martin did tremendous work in his spare time fighting for civil rights for all Illinoisans and frankly,…
Chris Dorner: Murdering gun control advocate
We bring you the raw, uncensored manifesto of a murdering gun control advocate who got fired for being a lying cop. See his thoughts on disarming you and me about 2/3rds the way through. We bolded it. He's a huge fan of Barack Hussein Obama and his wife. He…
LAST CHANCE! Great Guns IV: Win a RRA AR-15 or a Springfield M1 Garand
Tickets will be available Tuesday evening. Guns Save Life is proud to announce our Fourth Annual Great Guns drawing. Tickets are just $5 each! The winners will be drawn at the February 12, 2013 general meeting in Rantoul. Entries received on or before February 11, 2013 will be accepted…
Spanish tourists gang-raped for hours by gunmen in Acapulco
Another incident of a multi-hour gang-rape with multiple victims in Mexico by armed criminals. We wrote yesterday about a Christian Youth Camp being attacked last weekend near Mexico City where teen girls were raped for hours. Now, a new incident has been reported in Acapulco. One wonders how many…
Nate Kreuter: A bigot speaks and removes all doubt…
Bigot: big·ot [big-uht] noun a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. or a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race [caption id="attachment_5600" align="alignnone" width="250"] Nate Kreuter, a self-identified bigot.[/caption] At Inside…