CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Murdered dad talked of leaving violence of Chicago
Chicago isn't safe. This father of three, working full-time to provide for his family, was murdered last Tuesday morning in Chicago. He had talked with his family about moving away from the violence plaguing Chicago. He didn't leave soon enough. Murdered Father of 3 Talked of Leaving Chicago to…
Marsha Mohr: Defenders of the Constitution are today’s civil rights advocates
by Marsha Mohr (Guns Save Life) - President Obama and gun control advocates have said we must do something to control guns "even if it saves one life." At what point did one life become more important than the civil rights of 300 million people? Gun control advocates would…
Sandy Hook dad: You will take my ability to protect my Victoria from my cold, dead hands.
This is delicious. Sandy Hook dad testifying. Hat tip to Karl Denninger. But criminals and tyrants beware, lockdown is not an option at the Stevens residence, and 911 will be dialed after the security of my home has been established. ...You will take my ability to protect my…
It’s not the guns they hate… it’s *us* they hate
Sebastian over at "Shall Not Be Infringed" posted a brilliant piece of analysis today. It's not the guns, he says. It's us. People who eschew civil rights don't hate the guns, they hate those of us who espouse freedom. When it was just a bunch of old white guys, they…
Mainstream Media: Gun owners are winning the cultural war.
[caption id="attachment_5516" align="alignnone" width="550"] Winners... Rogers, Abbate, Kaci, Tieriani.[/caption] Why are gun rights winning, in part? Aside from the freedom and liberty, irrationality from gun haters (Forbes) - ... [Anti-gun blather snipped] ...Forbes Insights and Appinions looked at the data for the week prior to the Sandy Hook tragedy and…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: So much crime, cops can’t respond to burglaries, car thefts and more.
Chicago's orgy of criminal violence is so bad that Chicago's leaders have given notice that Chicago Police will not respond to burglaries or car thefts any longer. Anyone want to hazard a guess what's going to happen in the real world? Do you think criminals are going to take advantage…
Another sloppy photoshop from White House… more funny photoshops!
The White House has given us another sloppy photoshop and then they pre-emptively mock the inevitable backlash when it's seen to be a fake. It's not as sloppy as the so-called "Birth Certificate" they released some time ago, but it's still a photoshop. White House Mocks Doubters (Weekly…
Gun rights popular with Americans; more evidence “guns” are distraction from America’s real problems
America has real problems. In fact, one could say America is in the Second Great Depression if you would factor out the U.S. federal deficit spending into the economy (add in the state and local governments' deficit spending and we are well past a 10% decline in the GDP, which…
Mayors Against Your Guns try to extort gun, ammo makers
[caption id="attachment_5466" align="alignnone" width="480"] Mayor Rybak before his election to Mayor.[/caption] Mayors Against Guns (or as I like to call them, the kiddie porn mayors) have come out threatening to boycott gun and ammunition companies that don't support their civilian disarmament philosophy: Rybak wants support from firearms manufacturers…