Mainstream Media: Gun owners are winning the cultural war.

[caption id="attachment_5516" align="alignnone" width="550"] Winners... Rogers, Abbate, Kaci, Tieriani.[/caption] Why are gun rights winning, in part? Aside from the freedom and liberty, irrationality from gun haters (Forbes) - ... [Anti-gun blather snipped] ...Forbes Insights and Appinions looked at the data for the week prior to the Sandy Hook tragedy and…

Mayors Against Your Guns try to extort gun, ammo makers

[caption id="attachment_5466" align="alignnone" width="480"] Mayor Rybak before his election to Mayor.[/caption]     Mayors Against Guns (or as I like to call them, the kiddie porn mayors) have come out threatening to boycott gun and ammunition companies that don't support their civilian disarmament philosophy: Rybak wants support from firearms manufacturers…