Illinois Concealed Carry Update: That’s desperation you smell from the other side
[caption id="attachment_5199" align="alignnone" width="620"] Todd Vandermyde, the NRA's guy in Springfield and the Field Marshal of our pro-civil rights armies in Springfield.[/caption] from Todd Vandermyde, NRA. [Edited for readability.] Today, lawyers on behalf of Mary Shepard filed a answer to the AG's request for en bancreview. I'm pleased with the…
Brit says: Self-defense is a skill beyond most of us… Updated #2 Mr. Hammond responds
See bottom of post for brilliant response from another Brit who purportedly lives in the same town as Mr. Hammond. [caption id="attachment_4910" align="alignnone" width="600"] National Firearms Museum photo. Click for full size.[/caption] To all at GunsSaveLives, I'm sorry guys, you have got it wrong. Guns don't save lives, they…
“Assault Rifle #15” saves students from armed intruders
(WHEC-TV) Rochester Police Chief James Sheppard says a resident of a home confronted two burglars with a semi-automatic assault rifle and scared the would-be burglars off. It happened around midnight Tuesday. Chief Sheppard says the weapon is legal and is legally owned by the resident. It's the style of gun…
Senator Mark Kirk sells out Americans!
[caption id="attachment_5204" align="alignnone" width="470"] Illinois' Senator Mark Kirk, lover of gun control.[/caption] Well, its official.. Senator Mark Kirk from Illinois will side with the leftists on eviscerating your 2nd Amendment rights.. Read this article from the Politico. "The first bipartisan legislation to place tighter restrictions on guns will be…
Wayne LaPierre’s appearance on the Sean Hannity Show
Here is an email all NRA members received from Wayne LaPierre at the NRA. If there's one thing the headlines of the past week tell you, it's that President Barack Obama, gun ban politicians, and media elitists are willing to say and do whatever it takes to destroy your gun…
Meet Kevin Tully – Vet who passionately defended 2nd Amendment at anti-gun event
Legal Insurrection has come across a YouTube video of a self-described veteran eloquently defending the Constitution at the recent anti-gun rally in Glenview, IL. That rally blew up in the faces of organizers and this video shows one example of many of why it went so poorly for those opposed…
GSL profiled in hometown paper
[caption id="attachment_5164" align="alignnone" width="580"] Photo by: Dave Hinton/Rantoul PressJohn Boch, president of [G], holds up a Glock handgun that was the prize in a drawing sponsored by the group earlier this month. GSL meets monthly in Rantoul.[/caption] Guns Save Life nailed down some very favorable publicity in the hometown paper. …
BelRockCityGirl’s gotta gun & takes it to the range
Our blogging galpal from here in Illinois, BelRockCityGirl (aka Natalie) is back with a couple of great posts. She's a soccer mom with a bunch of boys she's raising and she's getting her toe wet in the gunowner pool. Bravo to her! And when ICHV reads this blog entry, they're…
A message from Dick Durbin.. Our own little traitor!
I Just received this from Good old Dick Durbin.. He uses the Newtown tragedy to further his liberal gun grabbing cause. People, we need to get rid of this guy! Dear Mr. Blizzad: Thank you for contacting me about gun control measures in light of the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.…
Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show doomed Update 1/24: it’s dead.
Did you have plans for attending the grand-daddy of sports and outdoor shows, the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show held in Harrisburg, PA in February? You might want to reconsider. The show's promoters have banned all references to America's favorite rifle, the AR-15 and those like it. This is the announcement…