Springfield Saturday: Gun show and get-together at the Capitol Building at noon
[caption id="attachment_4920" align="alignnone" width="484"] Tom Shafer.[/caption] The Egyptian Collector's Association Gun Show at the Orr Building at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, is on for this weekend. It's a great show, by the way... if you're not going to the big Indy 1500 show Saturday. (Apologies for saying it's the New…
Bad news aplenty for leftist gun-haters…
It's a bad day for the leftists of the world at war with the Constitution. They say they are at war with the NRA, but the NRA is nothing more than regular Americans seeking to protect and defend civil rights! The gun control fanatics are losing in the political realm,…
Richard Klein: Why I buy guns (updated)
by Richard Klein PREAMBLE Two common mistakes that many pro-Second Amendment people make are either (1) complaining (to fellow gun owners) – or (2) preaching to the choir. In this article I pledge that I won’t complain – and I won’t preach to you about why so ‘n so law…
Guns stolen in second Journal News “outed gun owner” burglary
(Newsday) Two handguns and two pistol permits were stolen from the New City home of a man whose name and address are listed on the website of a local newspaper as possessing gun permits, police said. The thieves ransacked the house Wednesday night, breaking into two safes on the home's…
Special offer: Upgrade to NRA Life Membership for $300…
Upgrade your existing annual NRA membership to a Life Membership for $300 more. This is a pretty sweet offer that doesn't come along very often. Not often at all. How you do it: Call 1-888-678-7894 and apply for the $300 Life Membership upgrade. Also at that number is a "sale"…
Dialed 9-1-1 and they hung up: Woman died after 911 call mishandled
(FoxNews) - An Arkansas 911 operator did not enter a call into a computer system that would have notified police and fire dispatchers of a mother and son trapped inside a vehicle in a pond, authorities said Wednesday. The woman died hours later, and her 5-year-old son was in critical…
Guns Save Life: A deluded, diabolical and downright devastating slogan
[caption id="attachment_4873" align="alignnone" width="640"] An angry Dan offered us a piece of his mind in a recent comment.[/caption] Dan posted a comment to our article about the vast majority of young people planning to become firearm owners later in life. He wasn't happy with us reporting this, or the fact…
Buying a quality (pre-owned) revolver
Used wheelguns, especially ones manufactured by top-of-the-line American manufacturers such as Smith & Wesson, Colt, Dan Wesson and Ruger (and a handful of others) can make wonderful home defense or carry guns, often at affordable prices. While the days of $129 police trade-in Smith and Wesson revolvers is largely…
Little girls with a rope (Chicago style)
We all know Superintendent McCarthy’s valiant efforts to curb violent crime in Chicago have been less than successful. Today they hit a new low in the Windy City – Fox Chicago reports a group of teenage girls took a cab ride only to threaten the driver with a knife and attempt…
On school shootings and gun bans
by Jim Butler President, Sangamon County Rifle Association Time and time again we see mass murder occur in “gun-free” zones against unarmed and helpless victims. The senseless, horrific and cowardly attack in Newtown, CT against innocent children defies imagination and we offer our sincere and heartfelt compassion to the victims…