Classic hate mail… Illiterate rant from University of Illinois student
This is one of our classic hate mails received some years ago. Even though time marches on, the thought processes remain the same. Enjoy. [This letter is reproduced exactly as received.] To whom it may concern, I'm so sick of driving to and from school and seeing your…
Washington, IL: School, police cooperate to get armed administrators
Yes, in Illinois! We don't have a right-to-carry law currently, and that won't change until springtime, but administrators in Washington, IL aren't waiting. They're working together with local police to get trained and sworn as part-time police officers so they may carry firearms on school property as another layer of…
Talk. Talk. Talk. Gun banners talk while gun owners mobilize
For a guy whose administration was so eager to give guns to the criminal gangs of the Mexican drug cartels in his Fast and Furious scandal, Obama's been pretty adamant about trying to disarm law-abiding Americans. He's spent the day bloviating that he's going to do this and he's…
Rahm and his Cook Co. pals: Let’s double down on failed gun control schemes locally
Chicago's short, short Mayor, Rahm Emanuel is like a one trick pony when it comes to violent crime. His answer every time: "more gun control!" Almost like a trained parrot. Or a tiny ballerina. Nevermind that it's his inner-city Obama voters that are committing the murders, and by and…
Chicago Police Chief: Booze, Guns and Abuse of Authority
[caption id="attachment_4734" align="alignnone" width="690"] Chicago's Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, the 4-star chief. He was quoted on a radio show last week saying he would train his officers to shoot licensed civilians with guns. Nice guy, eh?[/caption] "Booze, Guns, and Abuse of Authority" It seems Chicago's Police Chief doesn't have a…
One veteran on gun control
by Chris Sullins [Editor: This was originally sent to a local newspaper disputing their editorial seeking a "middle ground" on gun control, which of course means gun owners give up more of their rights with nothing in return.] I read your editorial on the middle ground of gun control.…
Executive order on guns easier said that done
Great analysis from the Washington Times. To help soothe the nerves of some anxiety-ridden gun owners who believe an Executive Order from our President is a possibility. Executive gun ‘order’ easier said than done (Washington Times) - The administration is eyeing unilateral steps on gun control, but analysts said there…
Do it yourself AR-15 receiver manufacturing.
Perfectly legal to do at home, for your own personal use. Here's a bunch of photos Pete Wheeler was going to project at our meeting, but yours truly didn't bring them. [gallery link="file" columns="4" orderby="title"]
BelRockCityGirl’s blogging on guns!
Natalie, aka BelRockCityGirl, is blogging on guns and she's got a couple of recent articles she asked if we would promote... It's hard to say no to a girl who gives you a wink and sticks her tongue out at you. Packin' Pistols in Illinois BIG WIN for…
Lt. Col. David Grossman coming to Central Illinois Jan. 24th.
Keeping our schools and children safe by Dave Grossman Thursday, January 24th 6p - 8p Jacksonville Moose Lodge 865 901 W. Superior Jacksonville, IL 62650 [caption id="attachment_4536" align="alignright" width="204"] Lt. Col. Dave Grossman.[/caption] Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is an internationally recognized scholar, author, soldier, and speaker who is one…