TRY NOT TO GIGGLE ‘Big Brain’ Brandon Johnson’s BOLD new plan to tamp down rampant violent crime: ‘the full force of government’ and REPARATIONS CHECKS
Chicago mayor "Big Brain" Brandon Johnson rolled out a "grand plan" to reduce violence crime in his crime-ridden cesspool of a city. In an interview with CNN, Johnson outlined his plan to use the "full force of government" to solve the crime problem by issuing reparations checks to descendants of…
ISP further muddies the water for federally licensed gun sellers reference banned guns
An Illinois gun seller forwarded us this from Pritzker's private police, the ISP: From: ISP.IllinoisFFL <> Date: Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 1:04 PM Subject: FW: PICA questions and Gun transfers To: FFL Holders The purpose of this email is to clarify any confusion that exists surrounding the topic of accepting transfers of…
ONCE UPON A TIME: The police will protect you…
Here's a helpful hint for those who still think the police will be there to protect you... they may not be. Outside of highly populated locations, police protection is paper thin at the best of times. Other times, like late at night, there may be nothing. Response times may be…
QUICK AND DIRTY: Advice on whether or not to register…
To recap for the "too long; didn't read" crowd... What do you do about gun registration? First off, don't seek the sound-bite answer. Secondly, you should be reading the GSL website more regularly. Lastly, what to do is a personal decision. Instead of reflexively calling or emailing me, you can…
LOL. SUUURRRREEEE. ISRA believes SCOTUS will rule in their favor on preliminary injunctive relief on PICA gun ban
Fair disclosure: I'm envious of Richard Pearson's weekly email to members. His Executive Director's Updates are usually well done. We could probably do something like that here if we had someone who could administer such a broad, email communication routine to members. Yes, Rich Pearson and I share differences in…
GUN OWNER SELF-OWN? What happens to Illinois residents who foolishly register guns, accessories after 12:01a.m. on January 1
The Illinois State Police have announced that they will leave the gun registration portal open after the end of this year. How nice of them, right? They're doing so primarily for folks who move into the state to register their self-defense firearms. They also hinted that they will continue to…
LOOKING INTO THE CRYSTAL BALL: GSL’s John Boch joins Bishop On Air to discuss gun control moves in the Land of Lincoln [VIDEO]
Guns Save Life's Executive Director John Boch joined Greg Bishop on the Bishop On Air show Thursday morning to talk about the 99.4% non-compliance numbers, options for naughty gun owners in light of the upcoming closure of the gun registration window and a look into the future on several fronts.…
‘IT DEPENDS’: Deciding whether or not to register is an intensely personal decision we all have to make…
While about 15,000 Illinois gun owners have registered, 2.4 million of us have not. Instead, we have arrived at the point in the gun registration window that we have to make a final decision: Do we comply with Pritzker's new gun and magazine ban's registration requirement in one way or…
JUST SAY ‘NO’! Educate your family on NOT answering police questions or consenting to searches
Governor Pritzker’s so-called Protect Illinois Communities Act requires existing owners register their defensive semi-auto, magazine-fed rifles and other defensive firearms by December 31st. Given the current non-compliance rate of 99.7%, clearly there are potentially millions of banned guns out there still unregistered. Will police knock on your door? That’s very…
DESIDERIUS ERASMUS: Anatomy of a coverup in Illinois government
In regione caecorum rex est luscus In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King by Desiderius Erasmus, a GSL member I really hope this doesn’t happen and were I an advisor to the Governor I would tell him so, but I’m not, so here it is. Sometime…