Georgia mom blasts intruder (video and story)

Scumbag with multiple priors breaks into a home, looking to steal what doesn't belong to him. Meets a scared mother who had hidden her kids and retrieved the family's revolver. When he opens the door to where she was hiding... SURPRISE!  She lets him have it.   The Atlanta Journal-Constitution…

Get a Grip: Skateboard tape grip enhancement for semi-auto pistols

[caption id="attachment_3174" align="alignnone" width="640"] Skateboard tape used to enhance grip.[/caption] Tech Time presentation Warren Drake Warren Drake found an inexpensive, yet effective solution to getting big hands securely on a small pistol.  Small pistols, like the Kel-Tec, baby Glocks and the now-discontinued Standard Arms SA-9 are not the easiest things…

Anti-gun bills may return before next Wednesday

Summary The anti-gun bills have been put on "Postponed Consideration", meaning they aren't being actively considered, but can be brought back anytime before the end of this session. The latest information suggests the bad guys may try another run at this, sensing they are so close.  Continue to make calls…