Happy Veteran’s Day.

[caption id="attachment_3362" align="alignnone" width="600"] World War II vet Dick Williams welcomed back at Willard Airport last month as part of the Honor Flight program.[/caption]   Thank you, vets.

Obama won through vote fraud.

So, you voted last Tuesday, huh? So did lots of other people fraudulently voting en masse, and the end result was far from a free and fair election. We're just going to come right out and say it. Last Tuesday's election was stolen by the Democratic Party for Barack Obama. …

World War Z trailer

  Loved the book. Will Hollywood mangle the book with "artistic license"?  Time will tell. Something to look forward to next summer.   In HD: [youtube]http://youtu.be/HcwTxRuq-uk?hd=1[/youtube]   Not so HD: [youtube]http://youtu.be/HcwTxRuq-uk[/youtube]

UPDATE: Bill Davis visitation tonight.

[caption id="attachment_3197" align="alignnone" width="215"] Bill Davis.[/caption] Bill Davis, the man who almost single-handedly distributed as many as 2,000 copies of GunNews Magazine each month to distribution points north of Champaign County on the I-57 corridor passed away Friday, November 2nd. GSL has been blessed to have a number of remarkable…