Social Media and Looting

During Hurricane Sandy, we learned a lot about what our fellow citizens are made of. We learned of their character and in some cases, their character defects. There were many brave people serving those who were trapped and in need of help, there were also those who were preying on…

The Hunger Games, Tyranny, and American Civil Rights

[caption id="attachment_2995" align="alignnone" width="472"] Promo material for The Hunger Games movie.[/caption] by John Boch Lots of folks have raved over The Hunger Games series of books by Suzanne Collins. I'll be the first to admit I don't keep current on the trash coming out of Hollywood in general but during…

ISRA Alert: Cook County Board Meeting on Ammo Tax

from our friends at ISRA: ISRA Legislative Alert  The Cook County Board is trying an ammunition tax and a firearm transfer tax.   This is a direct attack on your Second Amendment rights.   If you are a Cook County resident, you need to do the following: 1.       Go to the meeting listed…

Quiet Emergency Power

(Guns Save Life) - Power outages are almost a way of life to those living in rural areas but even city dwellers face the occasional interruption in electrical utilities. While for some, the power going off is fun and exciting, for others it can be anywhere from an inconvenience to…

CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: ‘A disappointing milestone’

Congratulations to politicians in Chicago who have worked hard to keep the population there as disarmed and defenseless as possible against the savage violent crimes plaguing that city. Gun ownership has proven benefits to those who choose to exercise their right to own firearms.  Guns are a proven equalizer against…

Refusal to make a ‘gutsy call’

There's good news and bad news with regard to the Libyan attack on our consulate safehouse in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. The good news is some media, mainly FoxNews and the alternative media, are reporting new details of the attack as they slowly leak out. The bad news is…


[caption id="attachment_2978" align="alignnone" width="720"] This morning at the Tomb of the Unknowns.Photo from[/caption] Dan Marshall reminds us of true honor. Photo taken and posted this morning as Hurricane Sandy approaches Arlington, VA.