Hard as gun haters try, freedom won’t die

  There are some anti-self-defense activists who feel so strongly about depriving Americans of their Second Amendment rights that they work to deprive these same Americans of their First Amendment rights as well. We've seen this in vandalism of our Guns Save Life highway signs along the Interstates. We put…

How to make your wife hate guns…

Cornered Cat has a great, partially tongue-in-cheek piece on how to make your wife hate guns. Or, if you turn things around (or don't do what is mentioned), how to make your wife love guns - or at least not dislike them. Excerpt: Never invite her to the range in…

PEPPER SPRAY: Don’t bet your life on a can of spice

[caption id="attachment_2872" align="alignnone" width="880"] Pepper sprays come in all sorts of brands, sizes and styles.[/caption] By John Boch Pepper spray has gained a reputation among many who don’t know any better as a “magic” non-lethal weapon for personal defense.  Many people believe that a can of spray will repel the…

Real Americans don’t cower

Alex Wagner, a journalist and political commentator for MSNBC, recently offered her analysis of a recent school violence rampage in Ohio with, “Cowering under a desk is indeed the only recourse for people facing life threatening situations in a school.” [caption id="attachment_1481" align="alignright" width="228"] Alex Wagner of MSNBC. Photo courtesy…