George Soros is one bad dude

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="640"] George Soros.[/caption] by Jim Butler President, Sangamon County Rifle Association (GunNews) - George Soros is one of the most powerful and dangerous men on the face of the earth.  As a New York hedge fund manager, he has amassed a personal fortune estimated at about $14…

Calling all gun owners Saturday! OUTBREAK!

It's an emergency!  Local government is calling for all gun owners to report south of the Clinton Nuclear Power Station to deal with an outbreak of some sort.  Report to the DeWitt County Sportsmen's Club by 9:00a.m. for assignments!     Clinton, IL (DCSC News Service) - Authorities are urging…

Meanwhile, in Sarah Brady’s paradise…

[caption id="attachment_2311" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo courtesy Syndey Morning Herald.[/caption]   The good folks over at "An NC Gun Blog" have been keeping a daily tally of gun crimes that surely couldn't really be happening in Great Britain and Australia, two nations that enacted utterly Draconian gun laws following criminal rampages…

Training: The Long and the Short of it

By John Naese (Guns Save Life) - Gun safety, basic pistol, and personal protection classes used to be few and far between.  There were a lot fewer opportunities and locations to take such classes even 10 years ago. Not anymore.  The rise of the concealed carry movement (49 states and…

5 Simple Rules of GUNFIGHTING

By Paul H. Vallandigham ( - When it comes to being in a gunfight, the only rule is to survive. The best gunfight to survive is the one you avoid. Any defensive training instructor, whether involving guns, knives or martial arts will tell you that the first defense is to…

Hunter Safety class this weekend: Ford County, IL

[caption id="attachment_2267" align="alignnone" width="360"] Graphic courtesy[/caption] Pheasants Forever Young Guns will be sponsoring a Hunter Safety Education course this Friday and Saturday near Gibson City, IL. For information or to register, contact the Gibson City Illinois Department of Natural Resources office at 217 784-4730, ext. 223. Flyer here!  

Clergy vs. Guns: Guns Save Life’s response…

How cute. A slew of misguided clergy in the Quad Cities area of Illinois submitted an editorial piece urging that gun ownership be sharply restricted except for hunters and sport shooters. In other words:  Guns suitable for self-defense against other two-legged predators should be "controlled". Their screed follows our reply:…

MAILBAG: Thanks Guns Save Life!

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="800"] Photo courtesy State Line Rifle Association.[/caption] State Line Rifle Association sponsored an NRA Family Fun Day Shoot last weekend (the second of the year) and Guns Save Life helped promote the event for them in GunNews. We received this in the mail today: We had another…

Keep your cotton-pickin’ finger off the cotton-pickin trigger, sonny!

[caption id="attachment_2248" align="alignnone" width="550"] S&W Model 642, one of the S&W Airweight family of self-defense revolvers.[/caption] So, TSA in Pennsylvania catches and absent-minded flight attendant forgot her CCW piece in her luggage and was called out on it. [caption id="attachment_2249" align="alignright" width="180"] Jaclyn Luby, the flight attendant with a carry…