A malfunction every 28 rounds… HiPoint C9
[caption id="attachment_2536" align="alignnone" width="512"] The Hi-Point C9.Photo from corelogik.com.[/caption] by John Boch Tim over at GunNuts Media has been reporting on his progress shooting his Hi-Point C9 and putting 2000 rounds through it, a few hundred at a time over the past few weeks. He completed his project. In…
All politicians should speak this plainly
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="658"] Senator Jim Tomes.Photo courtesy wepartypatriots.com.[/caption] By Tom Menner One of the best things that happened in November 2010 was Second Amendment Patriot leader Jim Tomes being elected to the Indiana State Senate. This would be the equivalent of electing Dr. Richard Klein, a former president of…
How NOT to prepare squirrel for the dinner table
[caption id="attachment_2521" align="alignnone" width="640"] A fire destroyed an apartment building after someone used a propane torch to prepare their freshly killed squirrel for din-din.[/caption] Public service announcement: Don't use your propane torch to prepare your squirrel for cooking! Officials: Burning squirrel fur caused apartment fire HOLLAND TWP. (Lansing…
“You’re going to be taken home by the Marines today”
Saw this story earlier today and missed the great quote. A US Marine sees a handicapped boy's prosthetic break and gives him a piggy-back ride for the last mile to the finish line. A great gesture and kind deed. As one would expect of a U.S. Marine when they aren't…
Fast and Furious whistleblower witch hunt continues
[caption id="attachment_2514" align="alignnone" width="640"] Vince Cefalu.[/caption] Hard to believe, right? Breaking story just popped up on FoxNews. ATF whistle-blower fired, claims complaints about 'Fast and Furious' played role A well-known whistle-blower in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives confirmed to FoxNews.com that he was fired this week,…
Brady Campaign’s financial troubles
[caption id="attachment_2508" align="alignnone" width="614"] They wish they had money like this at the Brady Campaign.[/caption] The Brady Campaign is on the ropes financially, just as the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence. Shall not be Questioned (formerly Snowflakes in Hell) has a great post about Brady's problems. Sebastion there asked if…
After Action: GSL Defense Training’s NRA Personal Protection in the Home course
After-action report: GSL Defense Training’s NRA Personal Protection in the Home class by Dr. Doug Rokke Major, retired, U. S. Army (Gun Save Life) - I had the distinct pleasure to participate as a student in the GSL Defense Training NRA Personal Protection in the Home class taught at…
Hardly scientific activist “research” used to promote more gun restrictions
Chicago Police brass, bless their hearts, are hard at work trying to demonize law-abiding gun owners and gun shops for the criminal acts of gang-bangers and thugs running rampant in their city. They conducted some "research" on the 125 guns they were able to confiscate / collect / obtain during…
Exposing the Myth that Obama respects your gun rights
[caption id="attachment_2499" align="alignnone" width="650"] The freedom hating President.Photo courtesy Getty Images.[/caption] Some liberal, civil rights haters like to say Obama "respects" the Second Amendment and won't go after your guns. That's laughable. In reality, his stated goal is to ban America's favorite rifle, the ubiquitous and versatile sporting rifle known…
Earl Riggins… the loss of a good friend and great American
[caption id="attachment_1442" align="alignnone" width="381"] Earl Riggins from the July 2001 general meeting, one of his several appearances at Guns Save Life meetings. What a great American.[/caption] by Dean Rothermel (Guns Save Life) - On a blustery Central Illinois day in March 2011, many from around the country joined in saying…