IL House Speaker Michael Madigan: Unbridled Power
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="343"] Michael Madigan. Photo courtesy[/caption] by Jim Butler, President Sangamon County Rifle Association (Guns Save Life) - I’m sure by now that if you haven’t had your head buried in the sand, you are aware that Illinois is the only state that doesn’t have right-to-carry so…
WE ARE WINNING: Gun hater whining grows
Whining from the left continues to grow as the election nears. Steve Chapman at the Chicago Tribune - a strong bastion of support for the First Amendment while working against the Second Amendment - laments the NRA's endorsement of Romney / Ryan over Obama / Biden. Chapman wrote "about a…
Luckiest man alive: Justin Bawcum takes seven AK rounds and lives to talk about it
Guns Save Life has remarkable speakers each month. This was our speaker in October 2011's meeting. Guns Save Life meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Knights of Columbus in Rantoul. (See calendar to the right for more information) Main Speaker #1 Justin Bawcum May 1, 2009…
Don’t sit on the sidelines! Get involved and make a difference!
By John Naese If you’re a shooter or a gun owner, you should belong to several gun organizations. Why several? Because each serves its own purpose, and you have a different role to play in each. You can gain different benefits from membership in each one of the following three.…
IL Democrats, the party of gun control, open new front on the war on gun owners
[caption id="attachment_2458" align="alignnone" width="682"] A part of a mailing on behalf of Kathleen Willis, sent by the Democratic Party of Illinois. In the mailing, the Democratic Party of Illinois says America's favorite rifle has "no business in our neighborhoods other than to cause death and destruction." No, Kathleen, millions of…
Anxiety at being unarmed and defenseless is not a disorder among sheepdogs
by John Boch My [now ex-]wife, God bless her, [had] her alarm clock set to the local PBS station, so I [got] treated to Nazi Party Radio drivel about as often as I hear classical music first thing in the morning. On one particular morning, an Iraqi war veteran was…
David exposes Goliath
David exposes Goliath By John Boch When I was in school, I was taught that newspaper reporters and editors were wise and learned individuals to be respected. They were experts at the use of the English language and generally unbiased and unemotional in their reporting of the news. Today,…
Paul Vallandigham remembered for the “Fire in his belly”
[caption id="attachment_2454" align="alignright" width="200"] Paul Vallandigham.[/caption] Dear John, I'm so sorry for your loss, personally, as well as the loss to the GSL community. Please accept my condolences, and rest assured that Paul will be in our prayers this evening. Paul is how I met you guys as I was…
Armed American: Happy ending to armed robbery
[caption id="attachment_2451" align="alignnone" width="600"] A young man tried to rob Club Billiards owner Steve Yager outside his business Monday morning, Oct. 2, 2012, saying he had a gun. Yager said, "I do, too," and pointed his Smith and Wesson snub nose .38 special at the kid's head. The lad…
Democrats taking fallout from war on gun owners
Days of our Trailers has a withering attack on the civil-rights hating Democratic hack Marty Moylan. He's going to try and ban '50 cal machine guns' in Illinois. Wait. They're already banned in this state. What is he talking about then? Oh right. He's talking about semi-auto firearms like the…