POW! Reported rapist takes gunshot to face.
(GunNews) - Springfield, Ohio police were a little suspicious of the man who told them he couldn't recall who shot him in the face or where the shooting took place. It didn't take long to put two and two together when a report came in from a nearby hospital…
GUNS SAVE LIFE Opposes “MAY ISSUE” carry proposals for Illinois
Resolved... Guns Save Life opposes “May issue” carry proposals for Illinois WHEREAS, Guns Save Life is a civil rights educational organization, dedicated to preserving and promoting the fundamental right of all Americans to keep and bear arms for defense of self, their families, and their property, from attacks by…
Big Bad Wolf gets perforated while threatening Little Red Riding Hood
A road rage incident cost a Texas man his life as he failed to remember common courtesy and decency towards women. It probably wasn't the first time he was less than gentlemanly towards the fairer sex, but will certainly be the last time. The woman in this case was on…
MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Helping Sarah McKinley
From the February 2012 issue of GunNews (Guns Save Life) - At the January meeting, GSL President John Boch brought up the story from New Year’s Eve of Sarah McKinley from Blanchard, OK. This 18-year-old mother lost her husband to cancer on Christmas Day 2011 and less than a week…
Wannabe jihadist thwarted in Chicago
Think terror attacks will only happen in far away big cities like New York City? Think again. There's all sorts of radical islamists (capitalization intentional) seeking to kill people in the name of their twisted interpretation of Islam. God bless the FBI for nabbing this 18-year-old who thought he was…
ALDERMEN SCARED! Chicago’s aldermen are frightened by crime and their constituents!
Chicago (GunNews) - How bad has the rampant violence plaguing Chicago gotten? It’s bad enough that the Chicago Sun-Times published a lengthy, shocking expose on how even Chicago’s Alderman are frightened by Chicago’s spiraling violent crime in general, and their own constituents in their districts in particular. Chicago’s Aldermen…
CHICAGO ISN’T SAFE: Booming business for body removal services
[caption id="attachment_2135" align="alignnone" width="480"] A body removal service loads up another freshly dead body in Chicago early in the morning of September 15, 2012.Photo courtesy Chicago Tribune.[/caption] The Obama economy is good for one industry besides firearms - at least in America's second largest city: body removal services. Oh…
Are you friends with that John Boch guy?
If so, you're not welcome to bring your guns to our gun buy back! Third Power (aka my pal Roy) over at Days of our Trailers writes about what we've been up to and how gun haters are losing at every turn and they aren't handling it well.
We’re winning series: We’re killing them softly.
Sangamon County Rifle Association Guest Speaker Don Gwinn Don Gwinn began his presentation with a rousing analysis of the state of gun control in America today. He said a headline in The Onion summed things up nicely: “Obama gives bold speech on gun control, alone, quietly, in his office with…
Glorification of Gangsta / Hip Hop Lifestyle at Chicago Funeral
Photos courtesy Chicago Sun-Times. Life isn't easy, but it's a lot harder when you make poor decisions. Good parenting, education and a stable nuclear family are all important building blocks helpful to growing up a well-adjusted, civilized member of society. It instills a sense of right and wrong, the ability…