We’re flattered GLOCK USA reads GunNews…
(GunNews) - We hear from time to time how influential folks and gun aficionados in far away places read and enjoy our own GunNews each month. We’re flattered to discover that the folks at Glock USA in Smyrna, GA read our humble little publication. We discovered this when they notified…
Tom Shafer: GET OUT ALIVE!
Sangamon County Rifle Association Guest Speaker Tom Shafer Tom Shafer addressed the audience at our Independence Day meeting and talked about mindset and tactics to survive a critical incident. Shafer noted that most of the general survival books mention basic stuff like how to build a fire, but it seems…
IDNR has been misappropriating Pittman-Robertson monies for years
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="448"] Illinois hunters.Photo courtesy IDNR.[/caption] (This article was originally published in the December 2010 issue of GunNews by remains as true and accurate today as it was then as nothing has changed with regard to Illinois government misappropriating Pittman-Robertson monies.) by Lee Williams Springfield, IL (Illinois…
Africa safer than Chicago? For one family with two of six kids killed in Chicago, yes.
I'm not a big Neil Diamond fan, but one song he's got has resonated with me and many others for decades now. "America", or sometimes known as "Coming to America" was released in 1980, at the end of the disastrous Jimmy Carter presidency and by 1981 it was a number…
NBC Chicago: GunNews is worth reading.
We at Guns Save Life are pretty proud of our GunNews Magazine, which serves as our monthly journal, done on an all-volunteer basis, primarily by John Naese and John Boch. We've been publishing it for upwards of twenty years. Today we publish 14,000 copies each month, which get mailed to…
Dianne Feinstein proposes Democrat-sponsored ban on American’s favorite rifle.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="605"] Far-left, gun grabbing Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein wants to ban America's favorite rifle and many like it.AP Photo.[/caption] And Democrats wonder why they are often labelled the party of gun control, especially urban Democrats? Here's Dianne Feinstein, a sitting Democrat Senator from California, advocating a Democrat-sponsored…
Despite training, public awareness, and five-figure wrongful arrest settlements, some still don’t know the law on transporting guns in Illinois
Springfield, IL (Guns Save Life) - A new member of Guns Save Life in Springfield, a retired career military officer, has begun fanny pack carrying and was seeking some clarification on how to transport his firearms legally in Illinois. Following advice in a recent issue of GunNews, he found the…
Albino buck found dead near Charleston, IL
One of our Guns Save Life members found this rare albino buck and sixteen other deer dead, from Bluetongue disease, a viral infection. The albino deer shown was found east of Charleston, Illinois along the Embarras river.
Latest from Harvard: Gun control is counter-productive to reducing crime, suicides
We at Guns Save Life have been working to educate folks that anti-gun laws, or "gun control" as the mainstream media likes to say, is a contributing factor, and not the solution to criminal violence. Well, it seems the gents in the ivory towers at Harvard have been stunned to…
Right to Carry Town Hall Meeting: Saturday, September 15 in Bloomington.
The good folks at the Illinois State Rifle Association are hosting a right-to-carry town hall meeting on Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 10am to noon. The event will be held at the Double Tree Hotel at 10 Brickyard Drive in Bloomington. ISRA Executive Director Rich Pearson and other officers and…