GSL MAKES THE BIG LEAGUES: Mark Smith on GSL’s case against the FOID card
You probably want to watch this. It offers an excellent summation and analysis of Guns Save Life's challenge to the FOID Act.
ILLINOIS HAS ‘STAND YOUR GROUND’: It’s not widely known, but Illinois has ‘Stand Your Ground’ – not by statute but by court precedent…
Many if not most folks in Illinois believe that our state requires good people to retreat from a threat if they can do so safely before using force in self-defense. However, as one of the nation’s highest profile and most successful criminal defense attorneys explained at our Peoria GSL meeting,…
GSL family volunteers decorate Camp Butler headstones as part of Wreaths Across America
Springfield, IL (GSL) - On Saturday, December 14th, despite a driving rain and 33 degree temperatures, a number of our Guns Save Life family joined volunteers from other organizations to decorate the headstones at Camp Butler National Cemetery in Springfield. A couple hundred patriotic Americans placed roughly 12,000 wreaths over…
January GSL meeting updates…
Some updates for January... January. Decatur. January 1 falls on the first Wednesday next year. We will NOT have a meeting on New Year’s evening. See you in February. LaSalle County. Jamie’s Outpost, our host location, is closed during the month of January so we will NOT have a January…
SELF-RESCUE IS A THING: Botched federal response to hurricane shows you are your own first responder
The ability to self-rescue is important. A 100-year storm or adverse event isn’t something that happens every hundred years, it merely means you have a 1% chance of experiencing it any given year. Denying these potential threats can result in serious injury or death to you and your loved ones.…
Merry Christmas. And since the majority of voters who actually voted pulled the lever for these two carnival barkers, it seems fitting to put them on our State Christmas Card cover. Heck, we could make this the new State of Illinois flag. Wouldn't that be just perfect?
RED ALERT: ‘Islamic Army’ to launch multi-faceted, coordinated attack against America’s homeland very soon
by John Boch We're bringing this to our members and friends because we not only believe it to be true, but have learned of corroborating information that further supports it. You can read this synopsis, which will take ten or fifteen minutes. Toward the end, I've included a video interview…
Peoria Post Office staffer gets triggered… ‘misplaces’ GunNews for weeks. Again.
For the fourth or fifth time in the past few years, someone at the Peoria Post Office has slow-walked processing and mailing of GunNews Magazines. The common theme: Headlines that might trigger radical leftists. The most recent example: The December 2024 issue that featured the "GSL won! Trump won!" headline.…
Gun-totin’, would-be cop killin’ thug ran out of his shoe before getting shot by cop in Springfield, IL [VIDEO]
What will the world ever do now that 19-year-old Carrington James' advanced placement education has been put on hold after Springfield Police shot the young scholar? He was just minding his own business... after (allegedly) shooting at some people earlier in the day. After all, he couldn't have people disrespecting…
600! Big Brain Brandon’s dystopia Chicago hits 600 homicides early! And look, is it a would-be home intruder shot by a resident?
Chicago cops responded to a burglary in progress call early Saturday morning. A guy celebrated his 24th birthday the day before by (allegedly) breaking into homes to steal stuff that didn't belong to him. He tried pounding on the door while yelling "POLICE" but that ruse didn't work. The homeowner's…