SAFE-T Act strikes again: Man arrested in Peoria homicide… and released. In Chicago, alleged drunk driver hits biker, released without bail before cyclist’s body assumed room temperature
Honestly, we didn't really believe it could possibly happen, but it has. People have been arrested in connection to homicides and then released under the so-called SAFE-T Act. In Peoria, the suspect in that city's 25th homicide of the year was arrested. And then released without bail. WMBD radio has…
Dick Durbin wants to replace Americans in military with illegals… Ask yourself why.
Yes, Senator Dick Durbin wants to allow illegal aliens to join the US military. Why is that, do you think? Big hint: There's an old expression that advocates of allowing unfettered illegal aliens to come into America like to use: "They do the jobs Americans won't do." Senator Dick Durbin…
Tom DeVore on registering TRO purchases, political issues…
Tom DeVore had a video last night on the gun ban case and the gun registration scheme. In short, he says there's no way those plaintiffs of his who purchased banned guns under the temporary restraining order he gained can register them. At the same time he says the fact…
SAFE-T ACT WINS AGAIN: Alleged intoxicated motorist kills bicyclist, promptly released without bail
What happens when you drive 2.5 times the legal limit intoxicated and kill a bicyclists before leaving the scene of the "accident"? Well, in Illinois, if the cops catch up with you, they promptly release you without you needing to post a nickel for bail. How sweet is that? I'm…
CLOSE THE EXISTING OWNER LOOPHOLE IN ILLINOIS: Leak from Gov. Pritzker’s inner-circle reveals plans to confiscate registered guns next year
The Pritzker team in Chicago has already mapped out the next steps in their war on gun owners in the state. They got their crown jewel of gun control passed in the dead of night last January by anti-gun Democrats in the General Assembly, along with a Democrat-lite or two…
December 2023 Issue: GunNews available to download… December meetings start TONIGHT in Springfield at the Air Combat Museum!
Welcome to December 2023! Christmas will be here before you know it. Here's our December 2023 issue. It's available to read online. Please download and share with friends, relatives and everyone who you think could benefit from its rich content. Our December sequence of meetings kicks off tonight in Springfield…
More on the Caulkins appeal to the US Supreme Court
God bless Dan Caulkins for exploring every avenue for his case against the PICA gun and magazine ban. Dan is jazzed that SCOTUS might, underline might, issue some injunctive relief as the case is pending. Others in the YouTube-asphere are trying to clickbait people into thinking something is here that…
BRUEN BE DAMNED: Radical Democrats introduce national semi-auto gun ban to strip law-abiding residents of most effective self-defense firearms on the market
Democrats have listened to their intuition. They have good reason to believe that the elections next year won't go well for their party. With that in mind, they have moved to strike while they have their best chances of passing radical gun control upon the American people before next year's…
Federal judge in West Virginia strikes down prohibition on 18-20-year-olds buying handguns
Oh, the hits keep on coming elsewhere in America as long-time gun control schemes make their way to the dustbin of history. In West Virginia, a federal court judge ruled that federal and state prohibitions on 18- to 20-year-olds purchasing handguns as unconstitutional. Yes, most judges understand their roles as…
SO LONG, NEW YORK: Remington Arms flees state that hates them to finish move to GA next year
Remington and Illion, NY have been pretty much synonymous for over two hundred years now. Frankly, Remington is what put Ilion, NY on the world map. But politicians in the country's least free state have successfully pushed that company out of the state to the free state of Georgia. Yes,…